Chapter 4. A new Leaf

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Apple found himself in another observatory on the ground, passed out. He woke up and found himself sitting on the ground and touched his stem, he realised that his leaf was broken off. "What, where's my leaf? I'm nothing without my leaf.

He caught a glimpse of a hat with his leaf, he decided that the best thing to do was to chase the hat. They ran and ran until the hat stopped because of tiredness. "Who are you, give me back my leaf!" Said apple, "Sorry for running away like that, you startled me a bit. I'm Leaflet, because I'm a hat shaped like a Leaf. I'm not an actual leaf, but i can turn into one." Leaflet looked at the confused Apple.

"How about you be my leaf." Apple said. "Okay." Leaflet replied, as he transformed into a leaf on Apple's stem. "You can throw me to attack stuff." Leaflet said without hesitation "I'm kind of like a boomerang, but way cooler in every way, so, just don't ask any questions."

"Well, i guess we should start by finding Muggy." Apple said. "Who is that?" Leaflet asked in curiosity. Apple shrugged and went to look for Muggy. "You'll find out sooner or later, Bud!" Apple replied while he set off on the Journey to find Muggy.


Apple and Leaflet came across small planetoids. There were blue stars to get across each planetoid. And for some reason every one of them had a weird creature on them. Apple climbed up. Leaflet was thrown many times to hit the enemies. As Apple emerged on every small planet, he noticed a very big creature the was chasing him on one of the planets.

"Who's this?" Apple asked leaflet. "I dunno!" Replied Leaflet. Then apple threw leaflet onto the creatures tail, which angered him. After that he hit the creature in the tail 3 more times, and it began to fall. It disappeared. Suddenly, a golden apple shaped object emerged from out of nowhere. Apple walked up to it.

"What is that thing?" Apple looked at it in awe. He threw leaflet onto it. Nothing happened. So he thought it was safe. But then he touched it and...

What can i say, People never know when they touch a power Apple. It moved around and teleported them to the Observatory Muggy was left in. Leaflet coughed it up. "Apple, i think those things are a source of energy." Said Leaflet. The Power Apple floated up and got sucked into a star. A giant star which could hold 80 of the power apples. It was in the centre of the Observatory. And it sucked the Power apple into it, which made it spark a light.


A hand emerged from nowhere and was put on Apple's shoulder. "Um, Apple... Who is that?" He asked in fear. "Hi." Said Muggy, approaching them carefully. "What happened Muggy? I thought you were dead!" Asked Apple, in happiness. "Eh, I landed in this Comet Observatory. What happened with that Golden Apple shaped thing going into the sun?" She replied. "Hi," said Leaflet. Waving himself around on Apple's stem. "Hope you don't mind I have a leafy little friend Joining us." Apple said.

"Funny you say that, because my handle broke and i have to handle this girl." Muggy replied. "I'm Leaflet." Leaflet was shaking a bit. He had only met apple. "I'm the Handler." The handle said. Then Leaflet spoke up.

"Apple, I've read legends, I think the golden apple we found had something to do with Power Apples. They are a source of energy which can destroy The Multiverse and existence istelf. That can only happen if you have 80 Power Apples. It's all part of the Stem Prophecy. According to Objectanian Lore, if we collect 80 then we can forge the Grand Fruit, which can destroy everything. But it all matters on what your motive is. "You can either save the Multiverse if you're positive, but you can do vice versa if your negative."

"Millions of years ago, an ancient tribe of Objectanians forged the Grand Fruit to save the world from Evil. However, a Ps3 Controller stole the Grand fruit so that he could destroy Existence of anything. He's still out there, trying to take over the world. Luckily, he can't forge the Grand Fruit. We have 1 of the stars he needs.
There only exists 81, so he'll be out to get them all. We'd best find them before he does."

Muggy looked at the Power Apple she was holding, "I have one," Said Muggy. She let it float, and after that, it was sucked into the centre star. And another small spark of light appeared. "We only need 78 more." Said Apple.

"I guess that we should hunt for some more. Otherwise this guy is gonna take over the Multiverse he would have to much power. And we would all die." Muggy said. "And knowing Controller, It's a race." Leaflet replied.

"The race is on." Apple said. Leaflet flew Apple to a planet which was shaped as a horizantal tube with hills and platforms here and there.

"Are you ready?" Asked Leaflet.

"To answer your question," Apple began, "I was born ready."


The Comet Crusher was in place, and was set to drop in just 4 days. The countdown was ready and Ps3 Controller was feeling better than he ever had before.

"This is gonna be fun..."

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