chapter 7

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When I get home, I go upstairs, turn on some music, and tidy up my room. After it has been cleaned, I begin painting. I've been working on it for more than a month because I want it to be flawless because it will be one of the items I include in my art school portfolio. My mother enters and stands over my shoulder as I'm zoning out and not hearing her.

"Honey, that looks amazing, good job!" I nearly spilled my paint as I leaped a mile.

"Good god Mom, announce yourself next time you scare the crap out of me!" She laughs and sits down on my bed. I put my brush down and dry off my hands and turn around to face her.

" So how was the party?" she asks I sigh and look down.

" We left early because will showed up and tried to start shit with me..." She looked confused.

" What do you mean?" I pinch at my pants.

"I was dancing with Theo when he ripped me away from him I don't understand him Mom he left me he couldn't even look at me then he sees me with Theo and loses it."

She lets out a long dramatic " OOOH I get it he was jealous well honey love is tricky there is no right answer but I believe if you guys didn't get in that accident you would still be together he loved you. But sometimes the heart takes longer to accept what the brain already knows."

I nod a bit confused by what she means by it but she gets up and leaves and I go back to painting trying to figure out what she meant by sometimes the heart takes longer to accept what the brain already knows. I have never heard her say that before in my life but i guess i some what understand what she means it took me along time to understand that he and i were over.


I left Jamies around 6ish and I decided to call Lena to see what she is up to. She picks up on the second ring, her voice making me feel excited. " Hey Theo what's up ??" she asks and I grin.

"Oh nothing just wanted to see what you were up to tonight?"

She laughs, "Oh you know, just flying to the moon, typical Saturday stuff." I laugh.

"Okay smartass well if you aint busy I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me??" The line goes silent for a moment like she is trying to think of a way to respond.

" i-i-i uh sure why not? What time were you thinking?" wow she said yes I did not think she would.

" uh I could pick you up in 30 minutes. How does that sound??" I ask.

"Perfect I will see you in 30 minutes' '

She hangs up and I hop in a quick shower and throw on something casual: a pair of black jeans that have rips in the knees with a band t-shirt and black vans. I get her address pulled up and head over to her house. When I get there I feel so nervous that I am a sweaty mess. I walk up to the door and knock on it. A woman who looks almost exactly like Lena opens the door and greets me with a smile.

" oh hi you must be a friend of Lena she didn't tell me she was expecting someone." I reach my hand out to shake hers.

" im Theo Ms. Carter it is nice to meet you."

She takes my hand and shakes it "Nice to meet you Theo why don't you come in I'm sure she will be down in just a minute"

    I step inside and she shuts the door I look around and it feels extremely welcoming. Here it smells like cinnamon. I see lots of pictures all over of Lena growing up through the years. Lena comes downstairs and I smile at her.

" Hey you look great, are you ready to go?" I ask and she nods. I look back at her mom as a man comes out. This must be her father. But she looks nothing like him i look at her nervous.

" oh hello did not know that we had company" I look at her and he mom cracks up. "

Don't worry Theo he is harmless this is my husband Freddie" He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"I uh nice to meet you mr.carter." he looks at her mom than me .

     " actually it's Mr. smith but you can call me Freddie". I look a bit confused. Why does he have a different last name than her and her mom? She guides us outside laughing.

" You should see your face, Theo, you look like someone was going to kill you." she laughs and I open her car door and she gets in once I'm in I take a deep breath.

"I have a question and I hope it does not offend you," I say nervously and she rests her hand on top of mine.

"Let me guess you are going to ask me why Freddie and I don't have the same last name." I nod and look down nervously for her answer

" he is my stepdad. My mom married him when I was 14 and my father passed away when I was 5."

All kind of makes sense now I just nod and squeeze her hand "I'm sorry your dad must have been rough growing up without him."

     She sighs as I begin driving. "It was difficult, but my mum preserved his memories. I'm just relieved that she has found happiness in someone.''

I pause before we continue on our way to one of my favorite dinners. She might like it even though not many people are aware of it. The sun is almost entirely set, and the drive is tranquil as she plays with the hair tie on her wrist and glances out the window. I turn to face her and grin.

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