Part 2. Packing

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After I hear the laundry machine sing it's chimes. I head back to the laundry room. I take out my clothes and place them into the dryer to start them off. I begin heading back to my room and when I enter I grab my suitcase and place it on my bed. I begin to rethink all the things I need to pack. I head to the closet and grab a travel bag and head to the bathroom. I place my two in one shampoo and conditioner in the bag along with my axe body wash in the bag. I walk around my bathroom thinking of other things I will need. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and place it in the bag as well.

I start walking back to my room with the bag and place it in my suitcase. I don't know why but when I tried to think of other stuff to pack I couldn't. So I decided that it would be easier to pack a backpack for the bus. I empty out my school backpack and begin placing things inside. I grab my Nintendo Switch and begin grabbing its charger and some of my games. I find my headphones and throw those in there too. I scramble around my desk and find my pack of gum. I stop thinking again and consider that all packed up.

By the time I finished with my backpack the dryer was done and I dreaded having to get my laundry because the next step was folding. I always had my mom do it but recently she's been refusing and saying that I need to do it myself. Rude.

I plop the clothes on my bed and begin folding them one by one. I pack 3 T-Shirts, 4 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of socks, and a bunch of other crap. After about an hour (yes it took and hour to fold I'm new to this), I was finally finished. I closed up my suitcase and placed my backpack on top of it and called it a day.

I decided to head to bed early after dinner. I won't be caught dead asleep on the bus tomorrow. Even though i knew or would be long. I promised myself I wouldn't. And with that thought I fell asleep.

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