Part 3. The bus

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It's the next morning and I roll out of bed. I check to time to see 6:30 A.M. great.

I grab the clothes I set out and put them on. I decided to wear my favorite KISS shirt along with black shorts. I put my Nikes on and grab all my things. I finally pack chargers and grab my suitcase.

"BREAKFAST!" My mom calls from downstairs

"COMING!" I reply

I drag my suitcase down the stairs and leave them by the front door. I walk into the kitchen and is greeted with the scent of fresh pancakes and bacon.

"I made your favorite! I know this whole camp thing isn't your first idea of fun so I figured I'd at least give you this."

"Thanks mom :)"

I quickly begin to inhale the pancakes. Enjoying every bite. Then I hear my sister Taylor coming down the stairs. She's only a year younger than me so she will also be accompanying me through this hellish camp. That's probably the only relief.

We finish eating and load up to car to hit the road. I dig through my bag and find my headphone to pit on. I start blasting music and begin dozing off back to sleep.

15 minutes later I'm awoken by Tay tapping on my shoulder signaling we are here. I get out of the car and is greeted by the Rodney mall. I walk around to the back of the car to retrieve mine and my sisters things from the trunk. I look around and see the various counselors loading up the busses and the different campers unloading hero cars.

I'm standing in front of bus 1 waiting for my bag to be taken. Taylor has already started talking to girls and making friends because she is on bus 2. Im getting extremely bored when I receive a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a tall boy with brown hair and deep brown eyes smiling at me.

"Dude I love that band! Do you listen to it often?" The boy said

"Uh yea I guess. It's one of my favorites."

"Same! Im David and that little guy over there is Jackson. Wanna sit with us on the bus?" David says

"Uhm sure Ig"

"Sick! Im just gonna go grab him real quick. You go get us seats" he says while smiling and walking away


I hop on the bus and pick out a section of seat towards the front of the bus. I wait patiently as more people pour onto the bus. This one group of girls are dying laughing and I honestly would like to know why. Anyone who sees someone laughing that hard would want to know. There's three of them. One with light brown hair and blonde highlights, another has curly, well done, reddish hair. The third has dark brown hair done in a braid. I turn my focus over to David and Jackson who are now boarding the bus. I pit a Hand up to Signal where I am and David's eyes light up when he finally find me.

"Perfect seats dude" he says while holding up a fist. I tap my fist against it and reply with a small laugh.

So far this is actually going. Well. Good.

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