Chapter One

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The sun beamed through the thin curtains of my room, and I woke with a startle from that horrid nightmare. It has been months since I've had a peaceful dreamless sleep. I could hear the city coming alive after a long quiet night with the wheeling of wagons and the sounds of horses and traders shouting and exchanging goods. I rubbed my eyes and removed my sheets and got out of bed. If I could even call this a bed. I've been living in this room at the local library in the town of Lagash. It's nothing like home. It's much quieter here unlike the city of Uruk, where I'm from. I fled home months ago. I am Inanna daughter of the god Nannar and a human mother Ningal. I have only two other siblings a twin brother Utu and an elder sister Ereshkigal. Who are gods, unlike me, they were born with powers. Ereshkigal is the goddess of the underworld Kur, and Utu is the lightning god. My father Nannar is the moon god, and my mother is a sorceress and then became a sun god.

I, unfortunately, was removed from the godly realm at the age of 16 by my father for not having any god-like traits. I was too human for their realm. So my mother came with me to live in Uruk. Sometimes I think it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I could never please my father and my siblings always belittled me. Being here on earth with my mother was the best time of my life. Mother loved to teach and read and spread knowledge and warmth and comfort. She made the best food. Every morning I would wake to the smell of fresh bread and soup, my favorite. She comforted me and made me forget all the hurt that came from the rest of the family. It was almost as if she were waiting for me to prove them wrong because she would always look at me with a look of expectance. Every day we would train for combat and read for hours. Our neighbors had a daughter that was my age, and naturally, we became good friends. Ninshubur was my only friend. Ninish is what I called her. She was a healer. Mother taught her everything, she loved potions and herbs and plants and had a small shack just for her concoctions. I liked combat battle and horse riding and reading. We are so different yet so alike. For years we lived happily in Uruk, till it was time for Mother to return to the realm of the gods. Father needed her to help him keep order there. I wonder why he couldn't keep it together by himself, he is nothing like his mother. When she left Ninish and I stayed in the house together.

Now and then my siblings would come to visit. Ereshkigal came with her husband Nergal a few times. My sister and I didn't get along very well but we tried to make it work. We would engage in activities to change the mood. She was always better than me in combat, but I still liked challenging her. Nergal was lovely. When he came it was so much fun. He would take us to the mountains and help us climb to the top just in time for sunset. The view was impeccable.

Utu didn't come as much, as a father would always keep him occupied, and when he did come it was brief and he would be gone again. I'm sure Mother is the one who makes my siblings come to visit as she always wishes for us to be a tight family. Those days were the best, until what happened six months ago. My heart ached as I thought of it.

I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to see the keeper of the library and Ninish having breakfast. Tusa is a middle-aged woman with 3 children. She runs the library and the soap shop across the library. She's a nice lady if you catch her on a good day filled with profit, but when Tusa isn't making any money she'll make your life hell.

"Morning princess, it's about time you graced us with your arrival. Would you care for some breakfast your highness?" said Tusa as she ate her bread and porridge.

"Not your day today Tusa?" I asked as I sat down at the wooden table.

She grunted in response, a disgusted look on her face. I ate a piece of bread as I waited for her daily orders. I worked for her, unfortunately.

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