Chapter Seventeen

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I was seated at the large dining table with all the other dancers and priestesses, as we were being served our feast. I looked around for Inanna and Dumuzid and they were nowhere to be found.

 I felt a bit nervous and craned my neck around the dining hall again, hoping to spot one of them. After a few minutes of searching, I finally spotted them walking through the doors. Inanna looked flustered and like she was about to kill someone and Dumuzid had this huge grin on his face.

 I waved my hands above my head to get their attention, they found me and walked to my side. I made room for them to sit on the bench next to me and to my surprise, Inanna sat on my other side and completely ignored Dumuzid.

" hey guys where were you?" I asked

Inanna gave Dumuzid a death stare, and Dumuzid just chuckled.

"We uh, we went to check out the houses near the palace. They look amazing up close Ninish you should check them out after dinner."

I eyed him suspiciously although I didn't believe him I had a feeling Inanna didn't want to talk about it yet. I ignored them and ate the food and my goodness! The food was so delicious I could not get enough! As I enjoyed my dinner I would occasionally look at Inanna who was still quiet and playing with her food. Something was really off with her tonight. They continued like this throughout dinner. I tried to lighten the mood a few times but failed. Now we were all sitting quietly till Inanna finally spoke,

"Now we need to get jobs if we want to stay in this part of the city. Any suggestions?"

" we should find that lady, Madam Alka, she might help us," Dumuzid suggested.

" yeah, that's a good idea we should start with her first and ask around maybe the maids can help too," I added.

Inanna nodded in agreement.

"We split up then. I will go search for Madam Alka and Ninish you go ask around and see the maids and Dumuzid can go with you." She said.

We went our separate ways, Dumuzid went on his own and I followed one of the maids into the kitchen. 

The kitchen was something out of a dream. the ceiling was so high and decorated with herbs and flowers from all over the world. Spices hung on walls and the smell of food cooking was making my mouth water. I spotted an older woman giving out orders to the staff in the doorway. I weaved my way through the busy kitchen and walked up to the woman.

"May I speak to whoever's in charge of this kitchen?" I ask.

" you're speaking with her. what can I do for you?" she says eyeing me.

" I'm Ninish, I was told to look for you for a job in the castle. the priest said that you required help in the castle."

" ah, yes I was waiting for the help, as you can see we are very busy today come on in grab a mop, and clean up the mess over here. Then we can talk about where you will stay." 

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