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"shit" she sighed running around her house in search for something to wear.

she quickly ran downstairs grabbing her phone and answering whoever was calling "late again?" hope spoke in a monotone voice

"fuck" she said quietly but loud enough that it still got picked up by her phone.

hope laughed "I'll see you when your arrive, mel" she hung up

"finally" she picked up a somewhat nice shirt and some khaki cargo shorts putting them on in a hurry, grabbing her helmet as she sprinted out the door, quickly locking it behind her

she sat on her bike as she rode off, her silvery black hair tucked behind her ears, her green eyes made more noticeable in the sun though now it was hard to see them because of her motorcycle helmet. her face still a somewhat blank expression

she stopped behind a car waiting for it to move as she continued on, the occasional cars honking at her for no reason. her city seriously had something against cyclists or maybe just against her in general

either way she didn't care. she needed to get to her friends house, it was her birthday after all

she arrived as hope's house and parks her bike in the parking space outside of her house.

"MEL!" her friend yells from the door

melody immediately runs up to her giving her a hug almost lifting her in the air while doing so, melody was quite short, only about 5'5 but her friend hope was 4,11 making her seem a lot taller than she actually was

she ruffled up the birthday girls hair playfully and entered the house "nicely decorated, who else is coming over?" mel asks smiling

"a few close friends and a few other youtube friends, though I told them they could invite as many as they'd like so there's probably going to be quite a lot" she laughs back

mel wasn't big on social situations, she enjoyed being alone. wether she was reading, taking a midnight walk, or even just listening to music her alone time was when she was happiest

"maybe you'll meet someone" her friend joked

"no way, I don't want anything to do with your nerdy ass minecraft friends" mel laughed back

"oh come onnnnn, there's a few that I think would be your type!" her friend whines

"nuh uh. I'm going to be quiet, calm and cool tonight. no boys and probably barley any socialising" mel rolled her eyes playfully

she was half joking. maybe she wanted to meet someone, after all she was pretty lonely. though she most likely would not be talking much because of how socially awkward she was

her friend laughed rolling her eyes back and walked away leaving mel alone with her thoughts.

just as she was about to go into a spiralling loop of thoughts, her phone buzzed. it was her mom

hello honey, just thought I'd check in. you still taking those ballet classes?

it had been 8 months since mel had quit ballet, mostly because of the horrible impact it had on her body image but for some other reasons too

though she still hadn't told her mom

I actually quit a while back, I found something much more interesting and appealing

she quickly pressed send turning her phone off and heading to go find her friend

|| silly first chapter :] it's quite short but yk! I haven't seen many slimecicle fics and I'm bored so here we go :D enjoyyyy <3 ||

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