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she woke up the next morning with a smile on her face, she knew charlie had probably ended the call or his phone had died but she was still happy nonetheless.

she yawned finding her phone that was hidden under a pillow at this point.

"your finally awake?" she heard a voice say

her face lit up as she pointed to camera in the opposite direction so he couldn't see her

she didn't wanna look like shit infront of him.

"I'm gonna start shouting puns at you if you don't respond" he threatened

"nooo, my only weakness" she called out, her voice still quiet since she had only just woken up

"I'll let you off this time" he smiled

he had propped his phone up against his monitor so she could see him

"how long have you been awake?" she asked groggily

"like two hours dude, you woke up so late" he stated

she sighed getting up and walking over to her sink to splash her face with cold water

"where have you gone now?" he laughed out

she had left her phone on her bed. she laughed and walked back over to get it

"it's to earlyyyy" she whined while picking her phone up

"it's almost 1pm-" he laughed

"exactly my point" she sighed

he smiled and continued doing whatever he was doing, eventually she got curious like always.

"what are you doing anyway?" she asked while brushing her hair

"editing" he replied

"don't you have people do that for you?" she asked again

"well- yeah, but I go through it after it's finished and check over it" he smiled

"what's your youtube called?" she asked

"I'm not gonna tell you cause then you'll stalk me" he laughed

"I would never do such a thing!" she replied offended, while propping her phone up against a cup on top of her vanity

"finally, your not just black screen anymore" he smiled

she knocked her phone over on accident immediately after

"spoke to soon" he sighed while laughing

"you jinxed it!" she sighed

the two went back and forth for another 20 minutes

"how far away are you from me?" he asked

"and you call me a stalker?-" she said sarcastically

"oh well, im gonna figure it out since I know roughly where you live" he smirked, picking his phone up

"stalker much?!" she laughed again

"your only like a 10 minute drive away from me" he said while putting his phone back

"what are you suggesting?" she replied confused

"that we hang out again soon" he smiled

"how about tomorrow?" she asked

"thanks for giving me a huge notice" he scoffed

"yeah, yeah, so can you?" she asked again

"as long as I'm allowed to say puns all day" he responded

"as long as they're not about minecraft" she smirked

that night they both went to bed with a smile plastered on their faces.

FATE ; slimecicleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu