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Here they go. Always the same: Walk, stop and look. Walk, stop and look. Every cell was inspected one by one by the guards over and over every day within 30 minute intervals.

Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Stop. Step. Step. Step. Step. Stop.

Five steps. Five steps only. Like clockwork the guards march around the corridors looking for that perfect person who was not up to par that day with their work.

Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Stop. Knock Knock. Unlatch the door. Silence.

Five steps and I guess that could mean you live or who knows what. By the sound of it this place sounds like a high security prison, but actually it is a government building that withholds several of the brightest minds in all of the world within these small confines.This place is no different than a high security prison, the only discrepancy is how we address our wardens as supervisors and fellow prisoners as colleagues. We may only have breaks when they designate us, only eat when given food and only work when there is nothing else.

Eat. Work. Sleep. Although nothing as painful as regular life used to be for me.

At least we do get a generous compensation for our work, but at the cost of losing our own freedom and human rights it seems. Not many people know about this secretive part of the government. We researchers, scientists and strategists are just swept in by the desire for untold riches and protection from the government officials when we apply for this job. You would have to be out of your mind to enjoy working in this constrictive environment but when the world outside is dying at a rapid pace, you try to sacrifice whatever you can for your family and your survival.

You see the world's temperature has continued to rise to unbearable levels, that even a pool of water the size of a football field will evaporate within minutes. The only way that some of humanity has survived is because of the slow speed it took for the earth to get to this state. Of course instead of trying to better the planet, humans developed technologies to offset the temperature with technology and use of thermal studies. However, the earth's population of both humans and animals greatly declined over the last 500 years and now only the generations of humans and animals that were lucky enough to live within the Cold city roam.

I am a coder and one of the best in the entire Cold city. Currently there is a program I am designing in its earliest stages for the chance of people finally getting to escape reality. I have been at this facility for only 3 years and my contract is coming to an end shortly. Due to the secrecy of the employers agenda, termination and renewal are not something known until the day of.

My 'family' isn't much. I was abandoned–or well let go, when I was younger and set out to be on a one way ticket to this city when I was 4 or 5. Can't remember now. I do remember that I was loved dearly but I also know I felt resentment for my guardians who let me go to live in a cold city with strangers. It was tough for many reasons but I tend not to let my short childhood sob story get the best of my present days. Safe to say I have more to worry about than my past. Oh yes, back to what we're all curious about, my 'family' currently, is my big white fluffy dog and my goldfish. Pretty much the best and longest relationships I have ever had with something. I am a bit of a recluse you might say, many people find it sad, but it's just a way for me to focus more on the overall issues this shitty is going through. Although, I am more of a humanitarian than I sound. Outside these walls, I was a pretty active guy– in the science community, I tend to wear simple attire, just your standard oxygen suits and pants, shoes and shirt that aren't too flashy. I've been told that I do 'clean up well' whatever that means. Simple is the way to go when the world is complicated as it is.


"Oh my I guess I've been caught monologuing haha."

"You've been saying hearsay all evening...I already know you are strange, so please just keep it to yourself, we don't all need re-introductions on evening breaks."

"Mafusa, you're an honest guy aren't ya?"

"...What're ya getting at Rion?"

"Let me know if my monologuing is lacking ever." I chuckled

"...G'night rion... and fuck off." Mufasa sighs and a click can be heard in his cell.

"Bummer...night." I sigh deeply hurt by the lack of interest in my monologuing by Mufasa.I guess no monologuing for me any more. I suppose just thinking my regular thoughts will suffice.

I got up and shut off the light to my own cell and tried to lie down. So much silence. It's so dreadful sleeping here. It's more unsettling than anything. I really do hate empty space, I know technically its not empty but to me the pin drop silence afterhours is enough for anyone to go mad.

Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok TIK TOK! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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