Chapter Thirteen

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I sighed contentedly as I settled back into the comfy chair, an eye mask over my face, listening to the soft music playing. Dotty reached across and squeezed my hand.

"Well this is lovely isn't it? What a lovely idea of Jay's and so kind of him to pay."

I nodded my agreement. After that horrible first night I had come downstairs to find Jay chatting with Dotty about spa days and the next thing he had booked one for the two of us. He was back to being gentle and caring again, holding my chair for me when I sat down, making us both coffee and generally seeming like the perfect boyfriend. It was easy to forget how cold he had been the night before, to believe I just  imagined it that when we went to bed he turned away from me and didn't speak to me again until this morning when he behaved as if nothing had happened. Easy to forget the humiliating and rough love making which I flushed to admit I had consented to again. But if I didn't consent what would he do? A shiver went through me as I realised I didn't want to find out.

"You're quiet today, lassie," Dotty commented and I took off the eye mask, setting it on the small tray beside me so that I could look at her.

"What do you think of Jay?" I asked, hesitantly. Dotty looked at me thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure it matters what I think. What do you think?"

"I'm just interested Dotty," I said and she narrowed her eyes.

"I think he's very handsome, easy on the eye. He's very protective of you I think and clearly wants to make a good impression. But I sense that behind that kind and friendly mask he's maybe a little controlling?"

I sighed at her assessment and shrugged.

"I don't know. We get on so well just about all the time and I really like him. You know I don't want to break up or anything, but now and again I'm not sure what he's going to do. Makes me a bit nervous."

"Like last night?"

"Oh you saw that."

"I saw your face when I suggested the two of you headed upstairs. I'm sorry for that."

"It's ok. Nothing happened. I mean he didn't hurt me or anything. He's just pretty adamant I shouldn't make decisions about my life without him being involved."

"Well if you're a couple that's not such a bad thing, Angelina," Dotty said and I sighed, knowing that she was right.

"I guess."

"You're not in love with him though are you?" she said, astutely.

"Well it's early days. I mean we've been together... oh shit. We've been together a year nearly. Ah Dotty what the hell is wrong with me? Jay is great; he's kind, we get on and he's about the best looking man I've ever set eyes on. Why can't I just fall in love?"

"I think we both know the answer to that," she said and I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes miserably. "Do you ever hear from him?"


"You know who. Do you ever hear from Bret?" The sound of his name caused a tight feeling to form in my chest and I shook my head, swallowing hard.

"No. He's moved on Dotty. I just wish I could."

"Maybe love will come with young Jay," she suggested. "He's not a bad sort lassie and small disagreements are part of it when you're a couple." I nodded but last night had left a sour taste in my mouth and part of me wished I hadn't invited him to come with me to Edinburgh.

The following day I took Jay up to the castle. He was happy for me to take my camera and I enjoyed snapping him in various poses as we explored. I got a shot of him with a hand on a cannon, looking out across the city when he wasn't expecting it and there was something so beautiful in his expression that I felt the stirrings of something in my heart. Impulsively I went across and reached up to pull his face down so that I could kiss him. Surprised he kissed me back and smiled at me, his eyes twinkling with merriment.

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