Chapter Twenty Three

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The curator looked through the pictures in silence, his expression never changing which made me a little anxious. But then he looked up and smiled at me.

"These are fantastic," he said. "I know you don't always prefer landscape pictures but I'd like to display these with the portraits if that would suit? These will be very well received, Miss Summers."

"Thank you," I said.

"Now in terms of sales are you happy for them to go all together or would you prefer we sell them individually?"

"I have no preference," I said. "When will they be displayed?"

"Oh by tomorrow I should think, ma'am," he said, easily and I gave him a surprised look.

"That quickly?"

"Yes,the owner is very keen that we open as soon as possible. There is to be a grand opening which you are welcome to attend...?"

"I'd prefer not to," I said quickly. Bret would be arriving during the day and I didn't want to be away from him that same night. Attending an event had never been mentioned so I didn't feel I'd be letting anyone down.

"Of course. I will keep in touch Miss Summers."

"Thank you," I said. As I left I wondered how quickly they might sell or even if they would, but then put it out of my head. Bret would be here in just a few hours and I'd missed him. I wasn't sure that not having him around was compensated for by my nights out taking photographs and felt a stirring of nerves at the thought of him finding out. But only Mark knew and he wasn't going to tell any tales on me.

As I walked back to the hotel I felt a thrill of excitement when I saw a familiar figure stepping out of a taxi, a baseball cap firmly on his head, wearing a biker jacket and black jeans. He slung his bag over his shoulder and looked around himself before he spotted me and a huge smile spread across his face. I rushed across the square and he dropped his bag, pulling me up into his arms and spinning me round, before he lowered me to my feet and kissed me on the lips.

"God I missed you," he said, hugging me tight. "Can we get inside?"

"Sure, come on." I tugged his hand and led him into the hotel and up to our room. He dropped his bag, took off his jackets and sneakers and then flopped onto the bed, dropping an arm over his face. He looked exhausted and I switched the kettle on. "You ok?" I asked and he peeped up at me, with a small smile.

"It's been a bit gruelling. So many events in Calgary. Reckon I worked twenty hours solid yesterday. Sorry Angel, didn't want to get back and be all tired."

"I'll make you a coffee," I said. "Here, lie on your front." He rolled over and I pushed his sweatshirt up. Lifting up he pulled it over his head and then lay back down again, his head to the side and his eyes shut as I started to massage his shoulders. Bret sighed contentedly.

"Thanks Angel," he said, sleepily. I worked my way down his arms and then back up to his shoulders and his back. The tension gradually left him and then his breathing steadied and I knew he was asleep. Climbing off, I made myself a tea and put a bottle of water next to him. I sat watching him while I sipped my tea and then went into the darkroom tent making sure that it was st up ready for the following evening when I'd be busy developing. We were doing a shoot  in Central Park  with the superstars the following day but I wouldn't be at the arena; I'd be here developing ready for the next magazine. It wasn't too early a start but I knew Bret would be working out first thing and I'd need to be across the city and at the park to ensure we had an area cordoned off for the shoot.

The phone in the room rang and I answered quickly,  not wanting it to wake Bret.

"Hi Miss Summers. I just wanted to check arrangements for tomorrow," said Ed. I smiled.

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