Reunion and Exposition (Part 2)

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Aurora and Rosy reach their house and enter it. While walking inside,they come across their mother who sees them and gasps at the sight.

"Hi,Mom. I'm back." Rosy nervously announces.

"Sonic...Get over here." "What is it,Ames-?...Rosy..?"

The two hedgehogs pull their younger daughter into a tearful hug. "We thought you were gone forever,dear! How'd you- wh-what happened?" Amy cried.

"It's a lot to explain,actually. But how I got home? Chaos Control." "You mastered your Chaos Control?" Sonic asked. "A lot was going on that stopped me from doing it,but I still haven't quite mastered it. I made friends and I'm not sure if I have enough energy to convert and go back and forth to visit them."

Aurora looks at her parents. "Maybe we can show her how?" She suggested. "Maybe,but now we should let your sister to rest and clean herself up. Her whole body is covered in...what is that even?" "Ink. Like I said,a lot was going on." "Right...Well,Rosy,go change and then you can explain what happened,kay?" Sonic suggested.

Rosy nods and runs upstairs to her room. Now it's Aurora's turn to cry. "I missed her so much! I feel like a bad sister!" The late teenager bawled. Amy pulls her into a gentle hug.

"It'll be okay,Rora. She's back with us now. And she can tell us where she was. If her Chaos Energy is strong enough,we can meet her new friends."


A little later,the whole family is sat down on the dinner and listening to Rosy's story. The little narrator herself had her bruises bandaged and had a purple dress on.

"...And then,when we thought it was over,something inside encouraged me to walk up to the huge beast and speak to him. He must've remembered our meeting from before and even remembered who I am because he didn't attack me. Then he stepped back and just,turned back to the Bendy I once knew."

Her parents looked in shock,Rosy was only 11,yet she accomplished all that. Perhaps not by herself,but still.

"That's....Wow,Rosy. For being rescued by someone in the cold rain and taken in and then returning to a shut-down animation studio afterwards,it sounds like a lot for a little hedgehog like you."

"I think it helped me realise what I wanna do. And that is to save others no matter what it takes." The little rascal looks at her father. "Dad,can you help me?" "I won't just help ya,kid. I'll teach you how to do it right."


A few days pass by,Rosy has been spending her time readjusting to her old daily routine,training Chaos Energy controlling with Sonic,swinging hammers with Amy and stealth and reacting to attacks with Aurora. All while enjoying quality family time with them,like going around old places,listening to music and cooking lessons.

She was still reluctant to talk to her peers due to previous issues and the possibility of those issues rising again but she knew her family will be by her side.

One day,when avoiding Sonic's cyloop trail during its quick formation,Rosy notices a picture falling off her pockets. She picks up the speed in her feet and runs backwards,then charges forward and dodges her father to grab the picture.

It's a little drawing she made in her spare time while recovering from her inky adventure. Sonic notices his daughter's lowered ears and looks at her and the drawing.

"Who's that?" "A special demon friend of mine." "Is he the one you told us about?" Rosy nods. "He might be a demon,but once you get to know him,it won't be so bad. I hope."

Sonic kneels down to her level. "I know it'll be great. I'd like to hear more when you bring him here."


Back at the Studio,Bendy is on the process of reviving some of the employees that fell victim to their boss' madness,as well as his two other friends from his show. Currently,he gets Alice to step under the ink and wait for her humanity to be restored.

Doing so brings back the sweet angel sent from above,also named Alice. Bendy and Henry looked in shock.

"Whoa. That actually worked." Henry said.

Alice opens her eyes and franctically looks around. "Where am I?! What is this world? Bendy? You look...different." "So do you,Al." "Huh?"

She looked at a mirror and saw that she had slight differences from her appearances in the show;her hair was now slightly longer and the skirt of her dress was shorter,revealing her stockings.

She turned to the woman who once slightly resembled her,her ponytail was now brown and her dress was blue. Her horns were also gone,leaving her hairband intact.

"What's going on here?" "You're alive,Alice. Like,for real!" "For real?"

"Hold on a second,Bendy. If that's Alice,then...what does that make me?" The woman asked. She couldn't be called Alice anymore due to the confusion. Henry walked up to her. "You said one time you were called Alice but were no angel. Did you not like that?"

"No,I wasn't very fond of it because of..." "Because of her. I get that. And I see why you don't like it." "Do you have anything else in mind?" "How about...Allison?" "Hm,it doesn't sound bad. Okay,I'll try it."

Then out of the bloom,Boris runs up to Alice and Bendy and hugs them tightly. "Boris!" Bendy exclaimed. "We missed you,bud!"

Henry rejoiced. "Welcome back,pal." Boris,however,still couldn't speak so instead he gave a thumbs up for 'thanks'.

While all the reunions were happening,Bendy's face dropped again and his creator took notice. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Rosy.." "You really miss her,don't you?"

Bendy slowly nods. Boris realises what's,or moreso,who's the topic and lowers his ears in sadness as silence hits the room.

The true savior of the Studio was gone.

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