Break Through It All (Part 4)

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The five children found themselves in the middle of Mobius. Unsure of what to do. Sonic and Amy are nowhere to be found. Thankfully a two-tailed orange-yellow adult fox flew down to the side.

"Rosy,Aurora,what's going on here?"

"Uncle Tails! Thank Chaos you're here. Where are Mom and Dad?"

Tails sighs. "Eggman attacked South Island again. This time with the Death Egg Robot. Sonic hesitated between waiting for you two to come back from your trip and rushing in to save the environment with Amy and Knuckles. How'd you get back here? And who are your friends?"

"Chaos Control. And these guys are Rosy's friends made of ink from an animation studio brought to life. It's a lot to explain but simply put,she saved them."

The fox genius looks at the ink children. They nervously wave at this new face. He sees that they mean no harm. However,they were still kids.

"You still need to hide. Who knows what's going on. I'm going to get the Tornado."

"Wait,uncle Tails,I can help!" Rosy ran up to him.

"Sorry,Rosy. I appreciate your enthusiasm,but Eggman is still too dangerous. Go,hide with your friends."


"Go! Aurora,find shelter."

Left with no other choice,Rosy went back to the group and followed the elder sister as she lead them to a bunker and close the door.


"What happened out there?" Bendy asked.

"Remember those evil robots I mentioned? Yeah,there's an evil scientist fatso who builds and commands them. Trying to take over our world." Rosy explained.

"And we can't help in any way?" Alice wondered.

"Being the kids of two super-powered hedgehogs,we're expected to learn some of the abilities they have,but my sister's absence made things difficult and we only did training these past few weeks. And we still hesitate to do some damage..."

Bendy,Boris and Alice looked at each other,the situation was more complex in this world than they thought. Could they really not do anything to save the day?

"Sorry you guys had to show up during this kind of event. I was hoping things would've been calmer." Rosy apologised.

Bendy placed a hand on his friend shoulder. "We can still find a way to stop this madness. I'd love to explore your world when this is over."

The younger hedgehog looks at him and smiles. A smile so sweet,the demon could've sworn it melted his inky heart.


Before anyone could say anything,the structure of the bunker got lifted and the five turned around to see who did it.

A tall robot with a horizontal optic sensor and blue metal. A robotic copy of the blue hero.

"Found you." The robot said before transforming its hand into a cannon and aiming directly at them. "Die!"


The robot started shooting high-speed blullets at its targets as they ran away as fast as they could.

"I don't suppose that's one of those robots,is it?!" Alice yelled.

"Yep,that's Mecha Sonic!"

Rosy suddenly stops in her tracks.

"Sister,what do you think you're doing?!"

"Go,I have a plan."

"Well...I hope you're know what you're doing."

Mecha Sonic also stops in his tracks and sees Rosy standing in front of him. He chuckles at the opportunity.

"This is gonna be easy."

"Come at me,idiot! I'm not afraid!"

"Watch what you're wishing for,child."

Mecha charges with his leg-rockets at the young girl who dodges him with a power jump. She brings out a huge,green and pointy hammer to defend herself and smack her enemy back and forth.


The other four ran to hide behind a few trees. They took deep breaths as they ran for a good amount.

"Do things like this happen on regular basis? Because this is madness!"

"Not...not necessarily. Only when Eggman feels like he has a bigger advantage."

"Alice is still right. This is insane. And Rosy fighting out there by herself is something far different from when she was in the Studio!"

"You think so?" Aurora looked at Bendy and Alice with a raised eyebrow.

Bendy looks to the side,embarrassed. "Sorry."

"Either way,we have to find a way to help Rosy. O-or Mom and Dad. Or anyone of the Freedom Fighters,really! We can't run away forever."

Aurora walked back and forth while trying to think of a plan. Unknown to her,Bendy looked around impatiently and widened his eyes as he walk in front of the group and peeked from the trees.

"Rosy...?" He whispered. Ink was dripping from the right side of his face.

"Bendy,is everything alright?" Alice asked.

"I...I have to go out there! She needs my help!" He ran back to where he last stopped.

"Bendy,wait! You could get yourself hurt or killed!" Aurora cried out,to no avail.

"You need any help?" A low voice spoke from thin air.

Aurora looked and saw another familiar face and smiled.

"Shadow! We're being ambushed by Eggman and his robo army. Do you think you can lend a hand? And Chaos power?"

"Look no further."


"Is that your best?!"

Rosy tightened her grip on the hammer as she prepped for another attack,despite lying nearly defeated on the ground.

"No." She responded in an exhausted tone. "Not even close."

"Very well. You asked for it."

Mecha aimed his arm cannon once again and fired missiles as he gave no time for his victim to react. Before she could even move,Bendy stepped between,grabbed the missiles and threw back to their sender as they blew up.

"Leave...her....alone!" He said in a demonic voice. He had transformed into the monster he once was,only this time with more self-control. Or at least,the less dangerous variant of the monster.

Bendy became the Ink Demon once again.

Rosy turned to see what happened and looked upwards. She gasped at the sight.


Bendy also turned and saw his friend.

"I'm not who I once was. I promise." He offered a hand to which she accepted and helped her up.

"I didn't know you can do that."

"Neither did I,honestly. I don't know how it happened."

"Can you turn back?"

Bendy chuckles. "I sure hope so."

In the meantime,Mecha rose from the boulders,angrier than ever. Fortunately,it was a two versus one. Bendy and Rosy looked at each other and grinned with restored faith.

"Bring it on,you rusty sicko!"

Live and Learn by the Ink (Sequel to BATIM Reimagined)Where stories live. Discover now