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As the patriarch moved with Shenron cradled in his arms, the dragon's golden eyes observed the scene unfolding. There was an air of somber realization among the clan members, as they watched the figure of authority depart with the enigmatic child. The grand gate opened once more, revealing the waiting boat summoned forth from the patriarch's ring.

Looks like it really is common here to get boats out of a ring

"Let's get in, Ye Chen," the patriarch's voice resonated, calling his son to join them on the boat.

"Yes, Father," Ye Chen replied, his gaze lingering on Shenron with an intensity that she couldn't quite fathom.

As Ye Chen stepped onto the boat, Shenron's blue eyes met his for a brief moment

And then, just like Chung Ye's father's boat, the vessel propelled forward, its speed even more astonishing.

The patriarch's gentle touch as he placed Shenron on the boat struck her as an odd contrast to his earlier stern demeanor. She settled into a corner of the boat, her thoughts churning with the events that had transpired.

As the boat glided through the air, the gentle breeze caressed her skin. Shenron's thoughts were interrupted when Ye Chen, the patriarch's son, gradually moved closer to her. His attempt at maturity was evident, even though he was barely larger than her new human form.

"Hello, how are you?" he inquired, his voice a mix of curiosity and friendliness. Shenron regarded him with a thoughtful gaze, her blue eyes meeting his, and she found herself at a loss for words in this unfamiliar interaction.

So shenron said

"Valiaxon, zephiantrae nistrae kalarae... Nosterion valarion, sormynta draconae zephiantrae entros."

                        "Yes, there is no need to worry. I have no errors, and my new body is working as intended

Ye Chen looked confused and it looked like it caught the patriarch attention as well

Ye Chen's confusion mirrored the patriarch's curiosity, and their interaction drew the patriarch's attention. Approaching them, he asked Shenron a direct question, "Can you not speak the language?"

Shenron nodded in response, indicating that she indeed couldn't communicate through the spoken language they were using.

The patriarch's intrigue deepened. "Then how do you understand us?" he inquired further, his brows furrowing in perplexity.

Shenron's response came in the form of a slight tilt of her head. She couldn't explain the intricacies of her existence, the restrictions that bound her to the divine language of her creator, Zalama. She could only convey her inability to speak in any language other than the divine one.

Observing Shenron's perplexed expression, the patriarch seemed to realize that she couldn't provide a straightforward answer. He decided not to press the matter further, understanding that delving into it might strain their fledgling rapport. With a nod, he returned to his position at the front of the boat, whispering under his breath, "I'll have to ask Elder Kang to look into any language similar to this."

Ye Chen's curiosity seemed to be piqued by Shenron's inability to speak their language but her comprehension of it. He continued the conversation, undeterred by the communication barrier.

"But how? How do you know what we're saying if you can't talk?"

Shenron pondered his question for a moment, trying to convey a complex concept through non-verbal means. With a deliberate movement, she pointed at her head, as if indicating some form of mental connection or understanding. It was the closest she could come to explaining the situation.

Ye Chen's brows furrowed as he seemed to grasp at her intent. "So it's like you just... know what we're saying?"

Shenron nodded

"But how can you just get the language" said ye Chen

Shenron, in her own way, tried to depict the process. She held her hands out, palms upward, and then brought them together, as if symbolizing the merging of two different streams of understanding. It was a simplistic representation, but she hoped it conveyed the idea.

Ye Chen looked at the gesture, seemingly deep in thought. "So it's like you... absorb the language somehow?"

Shenron moved her head left and right to say no and also saw the patriarch absorbing them

"Then how"said ye Chen

Shenron tried to explain that it is because she manipulated her electric signals to be the same as men lei when she wasn't looking so that she can know what they were talking about that is how it used it's new brain  to learn new languages and when it was a dragon its core would mostly just translate it or give knowledge about that language

"I don't get it"said ye Chen

Shenron tilted her head, realizing that her explanation might have been a bit too complex. She was about to change the topic when Ye Chen suggested the same.

"So do know anything about your family"said ye Chen

Shenron never really had a family but I guess it's creator zalama is kind of like it's family so shenron nodded

Shenron saying the word zalama, indicating that Zalama was the primary name she associated with her "creator." As she responded, she sensed a shift in the atmosphere, as if the patriarch had reacted to the name.

"Zalama, you say?" Ye Chen echoed her words, and it seemed to capture the patriarch's attention, drawing a subtle reaction from him.

Ye Chen leaned in closer to Shenron, his curiosity piqued. "Any others?"

Shenron paused for a moment, thinking. While she didn't really have a traditional family, the concept of "siblings" could apply to the other divine dragons like the earth and namekian dragons, but she wasn't sure how to convey that. Instead, she simply shook her head to indicate that there were no other names she could provide.

With a thoughtful expression, Ye Chen nodded in understanding. "Zalama, huh? That's a name I've never heard before."

Meanwhile, the patriarch continued to focus on the conversation from the front of the boat, his mind likely processing the information Shenron had shared.

(Zalama, huh? Is he the one who left her and the one pulling the strings?) pondered the patriarch, his thoughts swirling in a maze of intrigue and uncertainty.

As the boat continued its graceful glide through the skies, Ye Chen's voice gently broke the silence. "Well, I guess it's my turn now. Within the realm of my connections, there's my father, Men Ye, a stalwart figure whose wisdom and strength guide our clan. The elders, like time-honored sages, stand as pillars of our heritage, their presence akin to cherished grandparents. And then, there's Xiao Mei, a close companion, a friend who shares laughter and memories, painting life's canvas with vibrant hues. But..." Ye Chen's voice trailed off, a veil of sadness momentarily dimming his eyes

In response, the air held a quiet reverence, as if acknowledging the weight of the unspoken emotions. The patriarch's gaze remained fixed on the horizon, thoughts weaving a tapestry

With an air of authority, the patriarch's voice cut through the breeze, "We have arrived at our residence, Ye Chen." His words invoked a sense of anticipation, drawing Ye Chen's attention like a compass needle pointing toward true north.

Ye Chen's demeanor shifted in an instant, his posture straightening with eagerness. He rose from his previous seat, his eyes capturing the grandeur of the landscape ahead. Shenron, mirroring Ye Chen's response, stood as well. Gazing upon the distant horizon, it observed a structure that dwarfed even the earlier spectacles. Shenron's analytical mind mused silently, pondering if there existed a colossal edifice somewhere, an architectural marvel that could encompass the expanse of an entire country,by the way things were escalating

As shenron was about to get out of the boat the patriarch picked her up again and went to the house

I made this because I ma going on a trip(so bye for a few days

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