Chapter 20: The End

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Dippet, who had most certainly had more to drink than the sparkly punch, would not stop going on about what a great turn out the ball was this year. He had been talking about nothing else for a total of thirteen minutes.

When Orion had said Dippet needed him he had thought it some sort of ruse. There was a small part of him-miniscule, really-that wanted to say, 'but this is Orion, he is loyal to a fault. He can be trusted.' It had not been big enough to keep Tom from checking.

After all Harry was worried, and though Tom wanted nothing else than to assuage those fears, and he truly did believe the Knights wouldn't move forward with any plans while they were still at school, he had to agree that their anger could take a nasty turn if their combined focus was only one, unassuming wizard.

But Orion hadn't been bluffing. There was a clear image of Dippet pulling him aside to gush about needing to see Tom right away, nothing more, just rambling about the music and atmosphere and food.

Tom had had very little to do with it, he had relegated everything to the Head Girl and Prefects. They had been happy enough to pick everything out and run the results by him in the end. He had signed off on everything with barely a glance at what was going on.

Revelry hadn't been the most important thing on Tom's list lately.

"Headmaster," Tom broke in as Dippet was trying to turn the conversation back to the magical snow...for the third time, "sir, have you by any chance, seen other's of my house tonight?"

"Well, of course, my boy, of course," Dippet said, cracking a smile, he patted at Tom's arm with a heavy hand, "always so nice, Slytherin house. Nearly the whole lot of them dropped by individually to say hello. So nice..." Dippet faded off after that, staring into the far distance.

Tom ground his teeth, his fists clenching at his side, eager and itching for his wand. Of course. Of bloody course! "If you'll excuse me, sir, there's something I have to see to."

Dippet jerked, his eyes clearing just a bit as he focused on Tom once more, "sure thing, my boy. Off you go! Suck a dedicated boy, so good. Going to do good things, that Tom..." Dippet wandered off, muttering to himself all the way.

Tom rushed through the Great Hall and out into the entrance where he had seen Harry disappear to. He swept through the entryway but...there was no sign. There hadn't been any strong emotions through their bond, and Harry wouldn't simply leave without telling him. He took a few deep breaths, trying to slow his quickened heart, and felt for Harry through their connection.

It was fuzzy, muted, as though Harry were underwater, unable to surface. Panic pierced him so fiercely Tom nearly had to clutch the wall for support.


What had he done?

As though called forth by sheer thought, Orion was suddenly there, dark eyes boring into him. It was all Tom could do to not punch him right there in front of everyone.

"Where. Is. He."

"If you will follow me, my lord," there was no mockery in his tone, only stiff formality.

"Follow you? You're lucky I'm not cursing you right here and now. What did you do to Harry?"

Orion took a few steps away from him, then turned to look over his shoulder to Tom, "if you'll follow me, I'll take you to him." Then he said in a much lower voice, "the Knights have to settle something with the both of you."

Rage the likes of which he had never felt before boiled within his veins. He wanted to crack Orion's skull open and find the information he needed, he wanted to burn the halls down around him release some of the fury.

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