The Return

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John was in the kitchen, and as he closed the refrigerator door, he saw Katherine standing there, posing as Elena. They were both startled when Amy entered the kitchen. Her blue eyes were bloodshot and she looked severely uncomfortable. 

"What happened to you?" John asked, moving to fuss over the blonde who shrugged as she leaned on the island. 

"I don't know, I was driving home when this blinding headache happened. It was like my ears were splitting apart and it was this high pitched whistle." Amy admitted and Katherine moved to check the blonde's temperature. 

"Pop a Tylenol, and then I'll help you upstairs to bed." She offered and Amy agreed before John got her some water and the Tylenol. She took it and Katherine assisted Amy up the stairs and into her room for bed. When Katherine came back, John looked at her. 

"You scared me." He said, still startled and coming down from his worry over Amy and his confusion. Why had she been affected by the Gilbert device? She wasn't a vampire. 

"Sorry." Katherine said and John looked around for Jenna. 

"Is Jenna home?" He asked and Katherine shrugged. 

"She had to meet the fire chief about the building. She doesn't know the truth. They've covered it up." She informed him and John nodded. 

"Yeah I know. How's Jeremy?" He asked and Katherine raised her eyebrows. 

"Holed up in his room." She said and upstairs, Jeremy was in bed, unconscious after taking multiple pills. Outside, Elena arrived at the house and she was on the phone with Stefan. 

"I looked everywhere." She complained to him and his voice came out of the phone. 

"What do you think, someone stole it?" He asked and Elena nodded, even though he couldn't see it.  

"Yeah, someone definitely took my stuff." She agreed and Stefan frowned at that. 

"Maybe Amy grabbed it for you, thinking you were already ready to go?" He suggested and Elena shook her head. Her twin wouldn't just take her stuff like that. 

"No, Amy wouldn't just take my stuff without asking me first. She's always been particular about that and her sketchbook." Elena denied. Katherine and John were still in the kitchen, talking. 

"Can I help?" John finally asked, wondering why the person he thought was Elena was still standing with him. He knew Elena didn't like him, Amy was the only one who got along with him relatively well. Katherine looked down at John's ring with some satisfaction. 

"Sure." She said and outside, Elena was on the porch, still on the phone with Stefan, talking about Caroline who was in the hospital. 

"You want me to pick you and Amy up?" Stefan asked, knowing that the blonde Gilbert would want to visit her best friend in the hospital. 

"I'm just gonna check on Jeremy before I go to the hospital, can you meet me and Amy there?" Elena asked. 

"You bet." Stefan agreed and Elena smiled at that. 

"Okay, I love you Stefan." She told him and she could almost imagine his smile at that. 

"I love you too." He answered. Inside, Katherine grabbed a knife and cut off John's fingers, including his ring, before shoving him against the kitchen sink. It finally dawned on him and he was horrified, had Katherine hurt Amy? 

"Katherine?!" He asked and she revealed her vampire face to him.

"Hello John, Goodbye John." She taunted before stabbing him. Elena entered the house and went to the bottom of the stairs.  

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