Fairy tail high Part 26

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It was early in he morning and Lucy woke up, she didn't even know why. She looked around the room, Erza, Wendy and Carla was in bed asleep. Lucy walked down to the kitchen to get some water, she kept getting horrible images in her head, Like the boys not making it back, or someone dies, or something like that. She enters the Kitchen and gets some water.

She swallows it in one and shivers. I don't know why i keep getting bad images. i hope everyone's aright. She sighs and get the chills. She feels like she's being watched. She spins around but no ones there. I'm just being paranoid. She said to herself. She puts the cut in the sink and made her way back to her dorm. she saw Levy standing against a wall. what's wrong Levy? Lucy asked walking up to her.

I keep getting bad images in my head. She said clenching her stomach. you know what, i have to. Lucy said. Levy looked at her. You're just saying that. She said. No really, i have. Lucy said quickly. You know, like someone dies, and stuff. Levy just nodded. How about we stay up together. Lucy suggested. Levy nodded. Ok.

The boys are already up and walking. They were carrying a lot of bags to the point some of them have to bent over to make it comfy. Hey Gramps, mind me asking, but what are we all doing out here anyway? Natsu said with his arms behind his head. Oh you'l see. Makarov said still walking. I think it's stupid how we need to walk all the way out here. Gajeel said. Natsu frowned at him. So, what Are we doing, can't you tell us? Gray asked with Happy walking on a wall beside him. not now. Makarov replied. Gray Looked at Happy and shrugged. Happy eyed Gray then turned his head a bit towards him then looked back.

Hey Natsu, your carrying your bags wrong Gray called to him. (he was trying to start a fight) Natsu stopped and looked him. I'm not carrying it any wrong than you are. Natsu yelled back. Gray and Natsu started arguing. Man up, both of you. Elfman said pulling them apart. Please don't start fighting now. Max said while looking at Macao who was shrugging. Oh shut up Max! Natsu yelled. He sealed his lips. Oh come on Salamander. Gajeel said while smirking. Yeah guys, not now. Happy said. Natsu and Gray looked and said at the same time. Fine.

They walked up a steep hill then they saw a huge battle field. They all paused when they saw it. What's this. Gray gasped under his breath. It's a battle field. Natsu also gasped under his breath. Wait, we're battling? Gray asked. correct. Makarov said. Natsu got pumped. Bring it on. hold on Natsu, it won't be that easy. Makarov said. Natsu calmed down. So what are we against? Alzack asked. something big. Makarov showed no emotions. Very big.

Wait! i can't battle, Happy said while running up to Makarov, I've never really battled, I'll be no good. Makarov looked at him. You my boy have a lot of strength in you. Now is the time to find it. Happy looked down. You'l be fine, work with the others and you will be more powerful. Happy just stood there. Makarov smiled and faced Natsu. You will protect him if he gets into trouble, won't you Natsu? He asked him knowing the answer. A flame appeared in Natsu's hand. You bet. He smiled.

Makarov smiled and faced everyone. Al right brats, Its time you stretch out dose bones and give it you're all. Protect the weak and don't hold back.Everyone looked pumped, except Happy who was worried. Makarov held up his hand. ok everyone on the single, you'l all race down to the battlefield, and start the battling at once, you got that? Everyone got ready for a battle. Makarov paused then dropped his hand, then everyone ran down the hill and pulled out their weapons.

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