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Back inside, everyone was finishing up their drinks. They had been there for a couple hours now and had collectively decided maybe it was time to head home.

Quackity was going to stay with Wilbur, just for the night. Or at least that was the plan they had just agreed on. He had a sofa-bed that he could sleep on that was apparently, he had been reassured, quite comfy.

Finn was also staying with Wilbur at the moment because he was between apartments. So at least it wouldn't feel awkward being just the two of them.

Mei had passed out on one of the longer seats, Charlie sat beside her so she would have a shoulder to rest her sleeping head on. Everyone was starting to feel tired.

"I think were going to head out of here now, you gonna be ok to get her home?" Wilbur piped up. He was referencing the still sleeping girl and the one clearly taking care of her.

Charley nodded her head, "We're getting a taxi." She reassured.

"Perfect, see you maybe tomorrow?" Wilbur bobbed his head to signal his goodbye and turned to leave. Quackity realised and thought this was his cue to follow. It was quite a swift exit, he wasn't expecting to just take off like that.

But then again if they see each other nearly every day what was the need for a dramatic goodbye each night. Wilbur seemed like the type of person to keep things brief where he can.

"Is he coming too or what?" Finn, who was also following along, leaned in to Wilbur to ask. As he spoke he gestured back at Quackity who pretended not to hear.

"I said I'd let him stay the night. He's got like a few hours travelling if he goes by train and its already so late." Wilbur shrugged his shoulders.

Quackity wanted to reiterate how grateful he was because its not often you let an almost stranger crash in your apartment. But equally its not so often you invite a stranger out for drinks. Maybe Wilbur just had no grasp of a sense of stranger danger.

Quackity could probably kill him if he wanted to. Luckily for Wilbur, he did not want to.

"I thought you were meeting with Schlatt tonight?" Finn asked.

Quackity almost stopped in his footsteps. In fact his walk must have faltered because the two of them stopped to turn back at him.

"What happened there? Did you just trip?" Wilbur chuckled, amused by the idea of Quackity falling over. This made Quackity shake his head.

"No I'm just feeling a bit dizzy-" he tried to play it off with a bit of laughter himself. But he knew he had to speak up now or this would eat him up all night.

"Did you just say Schlatt?" he asked, no longer laughing. It wasn't exactly a common nickname, surely this was no cruel coincidence.

Wilbur looked puzzled, as if he wasn't expecting to be questioned.

"Yeah I do? He is sort of like our manager? Mostly he just gives us some money and helps us get into venues we're way too niche to get into otherwise." He explained.

"yeah they know each other." Finn chimed in smiling a wry smile.

Feeling his heart thump in his chest and his stomach twist Quackity just shook his head. He knew Schlatt. Too well. He knew the kind of things Schlatt did.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Quackity pushed further.

Wilbur let out a dry laugh. "Lets just say we didn't get to where we are today out of the generosity of his kind heart."

That was all Quackity needed to know. He honestly felt sick to the stomach. As if from nowhere he couldn't look Wilbur in the eyes anymore.

"I think I'm going to get the train home. It'll probably go quicker because it wont be busy this late anyway." He tried to reassure.

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