
14 1 1

"Sophie, what is the answer to number nine?" Mr.Rotsen asked.

Along with the rest of the class, we watched Sophie slowly uncurl her hair. Unfortunately, my seat was right next to her, and that always meant bad news.


Sophie leaned over casually, stealing a glance at my sheet. To anyone else, it might have seemed like she was taking her time to answer the question.

Ohmygosh, did she not even know the answer to the easiest question?

I hadn't realized that I said that out until the entire class turned to look at me. My cheeks reddened and Sophie's glare was burning a hole through my overalls.

"Well, Miss Vivian, would you like to answer for Sophie?" Mr.Rotsen chuckled.

"AhmaGAWD, would you puh-lease shut the loser up? The answer is 296." Sophie turned to glare at me.

Mr.Rotsen scratched his head. "Er, I'm afraid that's incorrect, Miss Kan. Vivian, would you like to try?"

I glanced down at me sheet. Sure enough, my answer said 296. Wait, I made a mistake. I quickly do the calculations again, and grin when I find the correct answer.

"The answer is 299!" I said.

"Correct! Good job, Vivian. Sophie, next time, you should pay attention."

She nods sweetly, but she glares at me through the entire math class. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. As soon as the bell rings, I grab my items and dart out of the door.

One more period, I thought. Then, I'll be safe at home. I rush to my locker and throw my textbooks in along with a few folders.

I sigh with relief, but it didn't last long when I slammed my locker shut and came face to face with her.

The most popular girl in our grade, Sophie Kan, stands in front of me. A hand is on her hip, and her annoyingly perfect hair is braided to a side. One of her friends from the same math class, Annarine, stands with her, shooting me glares.

"Vivian Spook, isn't it?" Sophie sneers.

My hands felt clammy and sweaty as I shoved them into the pockets of my overalls. Mustering as much courage that I could summon, I looked at her in the eye.

"Actually, it's Vivian Spoa. But thanks for the confidence boost, now that I know that I spook you," I replied, hoping my voice wasn't trembling. There was a million comebacks in my head, but I was afraid that I might cross the line. So, I would just stick with this one. Even if its beyond stupid.

Sophie and Annarine both laugh. I glance at anyone closeby that could help me. But they all stared down at their phones, buried their heads into their lockers, watched, or simply just hurried away before they got involved.

I gritted my teeth. Where was Lee when I needed her? Probably hanging out with her boyfriend.

"Oh Spook, you're such a loser. Here, I brought you a little present. I hope you know that the next time you try to pull of something like that, I'll crush you slowly," she said, her eyes giving me a warning. She grinned and Annaline cackled as they both emptied a bucket of ew--, red gunk all over me. I gasped, and they giggled as they ran off, leaving me covered with red paint and an empty, but stained bucket.

From that moment on, I vowed that I would never be humiliated like this again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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