3. Why?

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"Fucking Carpenter, fucking Chad fucking made for each other" Bea muttered to herself as she walked down the backstreets and alleyways of NYC, alone, at midnight - yes, a very bad idea.

Her long, thick chocolate hair caressed through the light night time breeze, her breathe quickening by the second as she swiftly continued making her way down alleyways and busy streets.

Sure, Bea was a bit tipsy - but she was sober enough to realize and understand what words were coming out of her own mouth, unlike Tara. Tara's harsh words were replaying in Bea's head like a record that just keeps skipping and skipping and skipping, it was torture.

Eventually, Bea stops.

She turned her back to a grey, brick wall, just inside an alleyway of a busy street. The teen took in oxygen deep into her lungs, trying to relax herself from her angered state. She slid her back down the wall, until she was sat on the floor, her knees bunched up to her chest - Bea often sat in this position to try and control her panic attacks that were starting to become more and more of a common occurrence for her.

"In for 4, hold for 7, out for 5, repeat"

The coldness of the wall against Bea's back made her body start to tense up, her arms shivering in the bitter autumn air, all while her breathing was returning to a normal-ish rate.

The cool breeze left Bea's hair flowing freely around her shoulders, a sensation she weirdly loved, and although her white mini dress would almost certainly be grey and black by now just from sitting in a rough alleyway in the middle of a city, she felt calm once again, her head now beginning to clear.


Bea's barely charged and cracked phone vibrated in her cold, brittle hands, making her whole body judder in shock. As soon as her eyes lay on her bright white screen, her eyes widened.

Maybe : Jill Roberts

Immediately, the girl shot up from sitting on the floor, she was hurriedly up on her feet as she looked around her in a panic, only to see people walking the streets of NY, lots in costume most likely going to frat parties.

Hesitantly, her shaking thumb hovered for a few moments over the green button, until she swiftly swiped the green button to answer the call.

"Who is this?" Bea asked, shakily whilst still looking around her for any signs of something weird.

"Who do you think?" The voice responded.

"Why are you doing this?" Bea responded, frustrated and angry.

"Because of you" the voice responded again.

"Stop being a pussy and show yourself then fuckface!!" Bea shouted back down the phone.

"Okay, lets play a game. ITS CALLED LETS KILL BUMBLE BEE!" The voice aggressively shouted back, Bea's head immediately darting in every direction, looking for any sort of indication as to where they would inevitably be.

Suddenly, out of the darkness of the alleyway a dark figure sprints towards Bea, but before she had time to react, the ice cold silver blade had already slashed her shoulder.

Ghost face.

But before they could grab the girl completely, she sprinted. She didn't care which direction, but she ran, even with her shoulder bleeding out all over the sidewalk and her once pearly white dress. She knew that even with a bleeding shoulder, she would still be more than capable of outrunning whoever was behind the mask. Finally her flare for sports and running might actually come in handy.

She wasn't thinking when she was running, her small legs were moving 100x faster than her brain, she just knew she HAD to outrun whoever this sick fuck is, otherwise, she would be in trouble, big trouble.

All she knew was to never take more than two right or left turns at a time is she was ever being chased, something she was taught by Sidney, otherwise the chaser will backtrack and catch you, and Bea could not afford to be caught.

After a lot of sprinting and strange looks from pedestrians, she finally made it to the route the group took a few hours ago in order to walk to the frat party in the first place. However, Bea didn't stop running. Every minute or so she looked over her shoulder to see if they were still chasing her, and sure enough, they were.

Well, they were until Bea reached the lobby door to the apartments, when she looked over her bright red shoulder for the last time, the figure had vanished, literally into thin air, no hints as to which direction - nothing.

Bea's thrusted her whole body weight into the heavy lobby door as her eyes were greeted with bright white lights, blinding her flustered face and a group of middle aged people dealing some sort of high-end drug in the corridor, all were clearly higher than the clouds.

As Bea rushed through the hallway, she clutched her shoulder in agony as blood was still pouring out of the deep wound, her face was as white as a ghost - she looked half dead, her breathe was heavy and the teen was completely flustered.

There was only 1 flight of stairs left to climb until she reached the carpenters' apartment and she only had a small amount of stamina left in her, and it was only a matter of time until she would spill her guts of all the alcohol she had drank at the party, so the sooner she got back, the better.

Finally after literal blood, sweat and tears, the girl made it to the apartment door. Bea immediately raised her fist and slammed it three times on the door, creating a deep hammering sound.

Her arms, legs and whole body was trembling and tears were streaming down her face and her shoulder was throbbing with pain, half her dress now a bright crimson colour.

Suddenly, the door swung open after a few clicks of locks being unlocked, to reveal Tara.

"B-" Tara started, but was cut off.

"Where's Sam?" Bea said through sniffles.

"She's inside are you-"

but before Tara could finish, Bea barged past her and entered the apartment.

"Bea?! Oh my god what the hell happened?" Sam said quickly walked over to the teen from the kitchen.

"I- I- I'm sorry" Bea mustered through sobs and tears, still in shock.

Sam just embraced the girl in a hug, before seeing her shoulder.

"Holy shit, how?" Sam said, shocked, she looked at the teen for an answer, but instead, Bea just gave her a look.

And with no words, Sam fully understood. She knew ghostface was back.



Sorry for not updating for like a month, I had to take a break hope u understand pookies

Love u all

Sorry this is shit


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