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Welll here's chapter three, i hope y'all like it, i'm trying to ease her into things so it's more realistic!


Pov: Nova

I was out of breath, we had been running around for ages it felt like.

I feel so outta shape compared to these energetic people.

I need a break I think as I trip for the hundredth time.

I was so thankful when Aela said "Let's go get a drink guys"

We all go to the table. "Dada we need something to drink we're thirsty"Bria whines.

"Here y'all go" Atlas says as he comes back with a backpack.

Jay grabs the bag and starts going through it. I was sitting on the bench confused where the bag game from.

He pulled out 4 sippy cups. He starts handing them out, when he stops at me.

Jay bends down and says "I know your new, but this is all we have, can you give it a try for me and if you don't like it we can go find something else".

"Okay" I say grabbing the cup and taking a sip.

Apple juice my favorite! Honestly this is nicer than a water bottle or a cup.

I sigh in content as the cold drink goes down my throat. I didn't know playing would be so tiring.

I lay my head down on the table closing my eyes, while I drink.

"Is it good" Naya asked.

"Yes really good" I say. "Would you like some more sweetheart" she asked kindly. "Mm yes please, only if there's enough for everyone to have more" I say my eyes open and looking at her.

"Oh that's so sweet, there is definitely enough for everyone" she says grabbing my cup, filling it up and handing it back to me.

"Thank you" I say sighing as i feel less hot and tired.

"Y'all can go play for 20 more minutes till we have to get to the store" Jay says.

Bria comes over and grabs my hand before we start running off.

Now that i've met Bria she's so sweet and likes all the same things I do.

"Let's go little ones it's been 20 minutes" Devin says.

I grabbed my drink as we headed back inside.

"Okay listen we are gonna go to our dorm and grab what we need" Jay says.

Naya adds "you guys are gonna do the same and then we will meet you at your dorm okay"?

We all nodded or heads and headed for our dorm.

Apparently Bria lives with her daddy, but all the doms live together with the exception of Bria she lives with them too!

We get to the room I grabbed my stuff and laid on the couch.


After we watched the littles leave we went to the our dorm.

Bria was getting cranky so Atlas took her to there room for a change and to get her content again so it took longer then expected.

When Bria runs out she's in her pjs and you could definitely see her diaper bulge,but this town is filled with little and caregivers so they wouldn't care.

"Naya up up"she asked making her cute little hands open and close.

"Okay love come one we gotta go" I say picking her up and resting her on my hip.

We make our way to the littles down, which wasn't far from us as we lived on level 3 too.

"Come on guys" Jay says opening the door.

I noticed Nova's laying on the couch with her eyes closed.

"Cmon little one we gotta go" I say shaking her softly.

I'm tired she yawns as she slowly gets up and makes her way to the door.

"I know love but once we're back you can go to sleep", I say as we leave and make our way to the cars.

We had decided that Bria and Nova are in a car with Atlas and me and in the other car would be Amari, Devin, Jay, Aela.

I hand Bria to Atlas so he could get her in her seat then I turned my attention to Nova.

Pov: Nova

"Okay Nova are you okay with this" Naya asked me.

"Yes I think" I say unsure. "It's hard to get in all by yourself so i'll help you" she says lifting me up and setting me in this car seat.

She buckles me in and asked me if it was comfortable.

Yea it soft I reply sinking into the seat. Aela was right it was my favorite color, a forest light green.

It took a minute to get to the store, or maybe it was just taking a long time as I was trying not to fall asleep.

I looked over at Bria, I hadn't even noticed that she was dressed differently, it seems she has a onesie on now and a clear obvious diaper on.

She had a blanket and a lil comforts(not a promo lol ) pacifier.

I had done my research before i came to this school to understand what i was getting myself into.

I spent endless hours scrolling on the internet. I honestly found it cute, which made me want to keep looking online more.

We come to a stop and the dom's got out the car, Atlas went to Bria picked her up and set her on his hip.

I want that I think to myself. Imma ask Naya I think as she comes to my door.

"Hey love Naya says". "Hi "I say and she picks me up to set me down. 

"No No" I quickly say before I even had a chance to think of what I wanted to say.

"Oh what's wrong "she asked shocked as she sets me on her hip.

"I'm sorry just wanted to try" I say pointing to Atlas and Bria.

"Oh honey you wanted to be picked up" she asked.

"Mhm, but if you don't wanna you can set me down" I say.


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