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Pov: Nova

"No i'm not setting you down love, if there anything you wanna try you can always try it and i'll be right here to help you" Naya says.

I smile and say thank you as i set my head on her shoulder.

I sigh in content. This is wonderful I think as I think what else I wanna try.

Amari comes running over to us. "Can we all have a sleepover tonight, daddy said to ask y'all first" she said.

Everyone said sure so I guess we're having a sleepover I laughed.

"What you laughing at little one" Naya asked. "We're having a sleepover " I say smiling.

I then look up at her and ask what we even do at a sleepover over.

"Have you never had a sleepover" she questioned.

"No wasn't allowed too" I say laying my head back down. I didn't even notice we were already in the store.

"Well at sleepovers, we watch movies and eat a much of snacks and play games, it honestly really fun you'll like it I promise" she smiled.

What would you like from the store" she questioned when she noticed I wasn't gonna respond.

"Down please" I asked. She set me down and grabbed a basket. The first place I went to was the fruit section.

I love fruit so I have to get some. I grabbed grapes and green apples before I made my way to the snacks.

Naya was behind me holding my grapes in the basket. I smiled at her as a silent thank you as I grabbed some goldfish and cheez it's as I set them in the basket also.

"I'm done thank you for holding the basket" I say

"You're welcome pretty girl, will you come with me so I can do some shopping too and you can help me find things" she asked.

"Yes please" I say excitedly. I love helping so we made our way around the store.

She actually let me help by picking everything up and adding it to the cart.

"Can u carry me again" I asked my legs tired as this store was huge. I hadn't even seen any sign of my friends.

She picked me up as soon as I said that and said a quick "sure we're almost done".

I laid my head back on her shoulder as she walked around. I closed my eyes as the tiredness was slowly creeping up on me.

She came to a stop and asked me to open my eyes for a moment.

I opened them and stared in all at what was before me.

Millions on millions of stuffies. "Everyone is picking out a friend would you like to get one" she asked me.

"I never had one before they look so soft" I say excitedly.

She sets me down as I look through all the options. She goes to talk to Jay while i'm looking.

I found the most perfect stuffy, i quickly grab it and go back to Naya holding my hands up.

She picks me up and asked what I had.

I quickly showed her.

"Oh love that's so cute what are you gonna name it" Naya asked

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"Oh love that's so cute what are you gonna name it" Naya asked.

I get to name it i think shocked. "Um let me think on it" I tell her.

She starts walking to check out I don't even notice as i'm thinking of a name for my stuffy.

Let me have your stuffy real quick so i can pay for it.

"No i pay for it" I say hidin it into my chest. "Nope love i'm paying for it, you can pay me back with cuddles during a movie tonight" she said smiling.

"Okay I can do that" I say as I hand her the stuffy.

"Her name is Gigi" I say as she hands it back to me.

"Thats a wonderful name Mi Amor" she says smiling picking me back up!

"Thank you" I say shyly as I cuddled into her more back to my sleepy state.

Naya's POV

She closed her eyes so I started to sway back and forth to but her to sleep.

It's been a long day so she needed some rest as it was gonna be a long night to.

All of us headed out of the store with our carts full of stuff.

We pack up the car to head back to the dorms, I set Nova in her car set and handed her a binky in her favorite color with a security blanket.

I want her to have comfort items so she can start getting into head space.

I hope in the car and continue to think about how to help Nova out.

She's so sweet and honestly I would love to make her my little.

I'm not sure if she would want that tho so imma just wait it out and take it slowish.

She's definitely going to be a young little with her clingy ness and love for being held.

I'm drawn out of my thoughts as we pulled up to the academy.

We grab everything and start heading to the Dom's dorm. It's bigger so we all thought that would be the perfect spot for the sleepover.

I set Nova down in my bed and join the others on the couch.

"Hey guys can we go out to eat tonight" Jay asked

Please please please, Bria squeals. "Inside voice love Nova is sleeping" I say. I'm sorry she quietly whispers. "You don't have to be sorry silly girl, I think I hear her waking up anyway".


So I stopped writing for a minute but I think I wanna pick the book back up. I'm probably gonna change their names as they make no sense lol. I hope yall enjoy and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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