The Spar

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Student Council Room:

Much like the strange meeting that was going on in the Occult Research Club another one but much stranger one was going on between the members of the Student Council rather only three members were present there. The President Souna Shitori, the Vice-President Tsubaki Shinra and Momo Hanakai. 

"Taichou, did we do something wrong ?"  Momo Hanakai asked scared that she might have done something wrong for her Master to call only her here with the Vice-President being the only other member of the council to be present there along with her. "I would also like to know the reason for you to call us here while classes are still going on ?" The Bespectacled Vice-President voiced her question wondering what was so important for her Master to not only miss her own classes but also call both of them here during school hours.

Both of their eyes continued to scan every move made by their Master in anticipation waiting for her to drop the bomb. "We have a Problem." Was all the Violet Eyed Girl as she reached for a closed folder and opened it to reveal the cause of the problem. "It's the guy that was with Mizuho in the morning." The second in command said as she immediately recognized those empty black eyes. "Taichou, this is the folder about Y/n." The white haired girl also said after all she can't forget the face that put the School Perverts in line.

"He is the problem." Now this once again confused the two who were listening to Souna. "What do you mean Taichou ?" Her second in command asked not understanding how could you turn into a problem on your very first day. "Did he do something wrong ?" Their junior voiced her own concerns as she believed the problem was related to you beating up someone on your first day.

"The problem is Rias and I believe that he is not an ordinary human." This was news to both of them because that couldn't sense any sort of external mana from you. "Are you sur-" Souna immediately shut Momo up when she went to question her judgement with a single look that promised pain for any sort of defiance.

"As I was saying, when he came to get his schedule earlier both me and Rias were present here but the mana that was radiating off of him had made both of us ready attack him if he even took a single step towards us." The Violet Eyed Master said remembering how scared she was when she had felt that hienous mana.

"What should we do now ?" The one who broke the ice was Tsubaki Shinra who wanted to know how her master is going to deal with this situation. "We will continue to monitor  Genshirou Saji for now until Rias needs our assistance." And with that she turned her Violet Eyes  towards the duo infront of her motioning for them to ask their question.

"Do you think he has a Sacred Gear ?" Momo asked wondering if he his going to be different from the two other perverted Sacred Gear user. "Rias believes he has a Sacred Gear but I think he has a Zanpakuto and Rias's Group is going to be the one looking over him." Suona's statement more than just shocked her servants if their faces were saying anything.

"But Taichou shouldn't we be the ones to monitor his movements since the Gremory Group is already monitoring two Sacred Gear users." The question came from Tsubaki who couldn't understand why in the Blue Hell would her Master do something like this. 

"It's because I don't have enough pieces." Unlike her confused Kuhoi Tsubaki immediately knew what was Her Master talking about. "Shouldn't One Pawn Piece be enough for him ?" Souna whipped her head towards her Vice-President in break neck speed which startled both of her underlings.

"And why the hell do you think One Pawn Piece would be enough ?" Tsubaki and Momo both were even more surprised by the rather high pitched voice of their usually calm and collected Leader. "W-what do you mean Taichou?" The White Haired Junior asked scared by the sudden tone of her Senior.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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