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After an hour, Yoongi entered the campus after ending a call with someone. He looked around to find Anne because he wanted to talk to her, not because he was missing her but he wanted to see her boyfriend's reaction. Jundae wasn't with Yoongi as he didn't want Jundae with him. Yoongi knew jundae was jungkook's friend and there was no chance jundae would let yoongi approach Anne. While searching for her, his eyes finally found her and a cunning smile formed on his face. He looked around to see if jungkook was around but he wasn't there which disappointed him but he was sure someone will inform him if they see him with Anne. In just one day he had collected enough information about that couple. Yoongi walked towards her and she turned around feeling a light tap on her shoulder.

Her smile slowly faded, replaced by a mix of fear and apprehension as she laid eyes on Yoongi. The sight of him sent shivers down her spine, and her heart raced with unease. That fear was screaming how scared she was of her boyfriend and unknowingly he wanted to erase her that fear. He didn't want to accept but he wanted to assure her that there was someone who could also protect her without even hurting her in any way. Yoongi was aware of the insults Jungkook had hurled at her. It was like an opportunity to break their relationship. As she tried to flee, he firmly grasped her wrist, preventing her escape. She stared at him in shock with wide eyes.

"Calm down, I just want to thank you for helping me."  She shook her head and said hurriedly. "It's not needed, please just leave me," she pleaded with her eyes darting around, searching for an escape. She tried to pry his hand off her wrist but his grip only tightened while his gaze remained calm and steady. He was waiting for Jungkook to arrive but seeing the fear in her eyes made him realize he couldn't stand by and let her suffer. He wanted to assure her his protection, he wanted her to be assure of his strength to protect her, not just for himself, but for her as well.

It was a strange revelation for him. He hadn't realized it before, but her behavior from the previous day had left an impact on him. Despite giving her the cold shoulder, he now longed for her care and attention once again. The thought of her ignoring him made him realize how much he craved her presence and affection. "Yoongi, please, Jungkook will be mad," she pleaded as her voice filled with worry. The mention of Yoongi's name sent a shiver down his spine, but the way she called out to him, it was as if she was begging for help. Memories of their comfortable moments from the previous night flooded his mind, making him realize that his heart yearned for that comfort once more.

But before she could finish her sentence, a harsh voice interrupted, "I just wa-". "Bast@rd, leave her!" In an instant, Yoongi stumbled back as a powerful punch landed on his face. Anne's eyes widened in fear as she looked at yoongi who got punched by jungkook. She was worried for yoongi because he was already injured. "Please, Jungkook-" she began, trying to intervene, but Jungkook yanked his arm away from her grip, his anger directed towards Yoongi. Anne gasp as she watched Yoongi retaliated, throwing a punch at Jungkook even harder than before. The impact echoed through the air, leaving Anne stunned.

The tension rose as everyone gathered around, witnessing the unprecedented challenge to Jungkook as for the first time someone competed with jungkook. His hand instinctively reached for his bleeding lip. Yoongi couldn't help but let out a chuckle, relishing the shock etched on the faces of the couple's face. But underneath his smirk, his heart burned with an indescribable ache.

Anne held jungkook trying to drag him away. "Please, Jungkook, let me explain." But consumed by anger, Jungkook pushed her away in anger and approached yoongi. With a fierce grip on his collar, Jungkook's eyes blazed with fury. Yet, Yoongi's gaze remained fixated on Anne as her silent plea resonated deeply within him. In that pivotal moment, his ego shattered like fragile glass but his gaze moved back to Jungkook as his voice echoed around. "How dare you lay a hand on her," Jungkook seethed while his glare unwaver.

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