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• ☆ 𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬 ☆ •

Deadlow island was exactly two hours away from the east coast of Thunder Bay.
And I had a first row ticket in watching my parents discuss if I was ready to go or not.

Because after they had agreed it was safer to work through the storm in the center instead of bringing it into our city, my mom got week knees.

It's not typical for her to try and back away.
But to her defense, she just had a baby six months ago and is still very in protective mama mode.

Aaron was with Grandma in Meridian city just like the other children.
Lev and David took their job extremely serious because those kids weren't only a job for them, but a family.
I knew they were safe.

„I don't think she should come with us," Mom mumbled while we were about to drive off to get our boat.

Terrible stuff happens out on sea and it runs in the family that we should consider to find other ways, but we're Lilith, never eve.
We see the danger and we walk right through it.
I'm not a coward.

„If I stay here then they come for me anyways, it's safer for all of us and for the little ones if we don't bring the storm to Thunder Bay." I make sure to put heavy weight on the mentioning of the children.

After what happened eleven months ago, everyone was on alert twenty-four-seven.
No one was leaving without protection, the kids were picked up after school and driven there by their parents.

„She's right. If she stays, they'll be coming after her," uncle Damon agreed with me.
Mom shot him an angry look to make him shut up.
„She's not your daughter so you shut up," she warns with her typical mother index finger held up.

Uncle Damon held his hands up in defense and sighed, „look rika, do you think I say that because I don't give a shit about her? I'm saying this because I do give a shit about her."
„Well... thanks uncle Damon," I mumbled.
„If they drag her to that Island, it's going to be far worser than going there with a free will," he continued to explain.

My mom considered what he said for a moment before she rubbed her hands over her face, frustrated.

„I don't even know what they want from her, how can I bring my daughter to an island with no knowledge of what's going to happen to her there?" her voice grew smaller.
„Would you drag your daughter to a land owned by terrorists?"

„No, I'd rather die," he answered her instantly.

Mom turned to me and then to Dad, „Call Lev and David, I want them to escort her to Delcour where she stays till we're back."
I jump up from my chair and shake my head, „You can't do that!"
„I can because I'm your mother!"
„I'm eighteen! I'm coming with you!"
„I dare you, Athos!"
„Watch me," I hiss and grab my mask from the table.

I should have know that walking out of the door won't be like easy but I wouldn't have thought that aunt Alex would for real lock the door and snatch the key.
„Sorry Kiddo, love you too much to let you go."

„I can't believe it," I mumbled and turned around, „what was I raised for if I just hide? In the catacombs we decided I'm going to come."
„That was before I let their words sink in," mom replied calmer now.

𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃 // 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐒 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now