Suicide (Prodigy Imagine)

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Tears streamed down the your face. You had been a wreck ever since it happened. You still couldn't believe it. You curled into a ball hugging her knees tightly to your chest. You felt as if you could not breathe.  More tears burned in your eyes. You still remembered the night he ripped your heart out, and laughed, like you never meant anything to him.

Diggy let it slip that the reason Prod cancelled your date was so he could go out with someone else.

Love is blind.

You rounded the corner, moving as fast as she could without drawing attention to herself. Diggy accidentally told you Prod's location. A hotel. You quickened your pace && Your breath sped up. You stopped in front of the clerk. You cleared your throat. The clerk glanced up quickly.

"How may I be of service, Miss?"

"I'm looking for a Craig Crippen Jr."

She gave you a strange look, but typed up the name in the computer. "Ah, yes, room 431."

"Could I have a spare key?" You asked.

The clerk was about to object, but she saw the worry in your eyes. "Uh, sure, just don't tell anyone."

"Okay," You smiled. The lady reached under the desk and got a key card. She passed it over to you.

"Fourth floor." You nodded and flew to the elevator.

The doors opened and you were in. You were still breathing heavily. The elevator binged and the doors opened slowly. You stepped out and searched for room 431.

You paused at the door, feeling sick. Taking a deep breath, you slid the key in the lock, and slowly opened the door.

When you  walked in. The bed was occupied by two people. One with short curly hair and kissing the others neck. The girl was laying beneath him, eyes closed and moaning.

Your heart shattered. 

Prod was making out with some girl.

"Craig?" You whispered.

Prodigy tensed, and lifted his face away from the girl's cleavage. His eyes widened once he spotted you leaning against the wall, tears forming in your eyes.

"Shit," He murmured, "Diggy sold me out."

"Why? Why I'm I not good enough for you?" You choked out.

"I-I don't know why. Maybe because i wasn't just that into you." He said simply.

The girl opened her eyes and glared at you.

 "You're picking her over me?"

Prod glanced between both of you. "Yeah, I guess."

Your self control broke. Tears streamed down your cheeks. "I'm sorry."

"What?" Prod asked.

"I'm sorry I'm not worth your love. You may have broken my, but yet... I can't find it in myself to stop loving you. I'm sorry. I won't bother you again. And I know you don't love me." You fled from the room, sobs echoing in the hall.

Prod turned back to the girl under him and shrugged. "Ready to continue?"


You heard all of this. You couldn't believe it. So you ran.  Rain poured from the sky getting you wet. No one was there to pick up the pieces of your destroyed heart.

That had only been two months ago.  At first, you weren't as strong as before, but now you could barely move.

You lay, weeping silently, but the tears no longer flowed. 

You lost your heart and soul the night Prodigy cheated.

You rolled over, and spotted the sharp razor syou kept on the bed side. Yes, you had thought wither or not to commit suicide. The idea played around in your head for a moment.

"No," You said, "I shouldn't, should I?" Your eyes flickered up to the picture of you and Prod at the Skating Ring. His arm was wrapped around your waist, and your head rested on his shoulder. But his eyes seemed to be staring somewhere else, even with the happy smile he wore. Damn, he'd been cheating on you for months you told yourself.

You made up your mind.

You swiped the razor off the table and slid out of bed. Walking to your desk, you wrote a careful note to your family and friends. Ripping a small piece of clear tape, you stuck it to the top of the note. You left it there for a moment, while you stripped off your clothes and into a silk red bath robe.

Tying your robe, you knew the decision you were about to make was final. Smiling slightly, you grabbed the note and razor. You hurried into the bathroom across the hall. Closing the door behind you, you locked it. You taped the note to the mirror and looked at your reflection. You were a mess. You turned and twisted the hot water knob on the bath tub. As the bath filled with streaming hot water,

You prepared yourself.

When the water was to your satisfaction, you turned it off sighed. A thick steam hung in the air. You let the robe fall off. You slowly lowered herself into the HOT water, enjoying it as it burned your skin.

But you didn't care.

Gripping the razor, you placed it on top of your skin. You traced the razor gently on your arm, till you found the one spot that would cause you death. Now, normally, it'd be impossible for you to even think about  committing suicide like that, but you were heart broken and vulnerable.

You slashed the razor, quick and deep letting out a shrill cry. The blade sunk into your skin. Blood poured out of the wound quickly. Your bleeding arm fell into the water, turning it red. Your hand gripping the razor hung out of the tub.

To Be Continued

Since this imagine got deleted i just re-uploaded it again!

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