proud of you (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter contains possibly triggering content. It talks about depression, harmful thoughts, and the hard things that come along with mental illnesses.

If you don't feel comfortable reading this, please wait for me to publish another part.

I hope you all enjoy this book and remember if you ever need anything, you can message me at any time. My messages are always open and I love each and every single one of you so much.


Wooyoung was worried when he opened his eyes to find that you were no longer there in bed beside him.

He sat up against the pillows and began to look around for you as he wondered where you could be.

His mind began to wander and the worst thoughts crept into his brain so, as fast as he could, he jumped out of bed and began to look around for you.

"Y/N?" He called out as he hurried down the stairs.

"I'm here!" You called out from the kitchen.

Wooyoung hurried into the room and breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw you standing at the stove.

He could smell something delicious being cooked.

But it all caught him very off guard.

For the last several weeks, you've struggled to even get out of bed.

He's been the most incredible and loving boyfriend you could ever ask for as he helped you through the darkest times of your life.

Your depression had been at its absolute worst.

It's something you've struggled with for years now but it's never been that bad before.

It was so hard to make it through each day.

You lost your job due to not being able to leave the bed.

You put on some weight, you hadn't spoken a word to anyone except Wooyoung or the boys, you hadn't touched your phone, and Wooyoung had to help you with a lot.

He cooked for you, sometimes he would order your favorite meals if he didn't feel up to cooking that day because he wanted to be sure you ate something.

He helped you shower, he made sure you stayed hydrated, and he cared for you more than anyone had ever cared before.

He helped you through your darkest thoughts and made sure you felt safe.

He listened to you as you confided in him when you felt up to talking and when things got heavy, he assured you that you didn't burden him and he made sure to try and ease the weight on your heavy shoulders and heart.

So to see you out of bed now and to see you making your own food was a huge step that you'd taken.

You also greeted him with a smile and it seemed genuine, as if you were happy.

That's something he hasn't seen in a long time and it brought him the most happiness he's felt in the longest time.

"Hi, handsome."

"Hi." He said as he walked to you. "What's going on? Is everything alright?"

You turned to face him and looked into his eyes as you placed your hands on his shoulder.

"Yes." You said as you smiled a little. "For the first time, things feel alright."

He wrapped you in his arms and brushed his fingers along your back.

"I feel like myself again. I think I'm starting to be happy and get through the dark times. I think I've overcome everything."

"That's wonderful, baby." He said with a sparkle in his eyes. "You're not just saying that though, right? You're not having... thoughts? You're actually feeling better?"

"No, I'm serious, Wooyoung. I feel much better. I feel like the weight has lifted from my shoulders, as if I've stepped out of the fog. I feel like I'm me again. I'm finding joy in the thought of going out with you, hanging out with the boys, walking through a park, returning to work."

Those are things you struggled so intensely with lately.

You felt joy again about returning to those things, about doing the things you loved.

"I feel better. I don't know if it will last forever. I know that it's something I'll always struggle with and my depression will always be there. But I think I'm okay. I'm finding happiness again and I have so much I want to do. I think I'm going to be okay, just like you told me I would be."

Wooyoung felt like his heart was going to burst.

He knows that you can't control your mental illnesses and he knows that for so long, you lost yourself and you felt hopeless.

You seemed so content now.

It was as if you were coming out of the darkness you'd been trapped in for the longest time.

He's tried to tell you before that things would get better someday but until now, they just seemed like words to you.

Now, you believe it.

Because they are.

"I'm so proud of you." He said as he kissed your lips lovingly. "If it ever comes back, if this doesn't last, just tell me because I'll be there with you every step of the way again." He promised, making you smile.

"I know. You're the most amazing boyfriend in the world. I love you so much. Thank you for staying by my side and for helping me through my darkest times. Even when I felt like I had no one, I had you and you're the biggest reason I got through everything. Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, baby. It's what I'm here for. I love you lots. I'll always be here for you, okay? Through the good and the bad, I'll always be here."

You kissed him lovingly as he held you tight.

"I'm so happy for you." He smiled.

"Thank you. I have so much I want to do!"

"Well, you tell me and we'll do it all, okay? You just got to let me know and we'll do it all together. Whatever it is your heart desires." He said as he kissed your hand.

You hugged him tight and for the first time, you both felt like everything was going to be okay.

You felt happy again and you felt especially thankful for Wooyoung because you know he loves you just as much now as he did when you were struggling.

He cares about you and loves you more than anything in the world and you know he'll always be by your side, no matter what.

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