squeeze my hands (requested)

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"And... onto hour eight we go," Wooyoung said as he glanced at the clock on the wall, watching as it hit the eighth hour of your labor.

You let out a heavy breath and loosened your grip on his hands as the pain eased.

But you knew it wouldn't be too long before it returned since they're now coming every three or so minutes and lasting about fifty seconds each time.

You looked at Wooyoung and saw him staring at you so proudly.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm alright." You said. "How about you?"

He chuckled before kissing your hand softly.

"You're the one preparing to bring a human into the world and you're asking me how I'm doing?" He joked. "I'm okay though."

"I'm not going through this alone. You've been by my side the entire time. You have to be tired too."

"I'm okay." He assured. "I'm only focused on you and the baby right now. Nothing else matters to me."

You sent him a small smile, only to groan as the pain came back again.

"It's okay. Come on, you're alright. Breathe." He encouraged. "Keep squeezing my hands. Squeeze them as tight as you need to. You're doing amazing."

You bit your lip hard, only for Wooyoung to brush his fingertip across it so you'd let it go.

"You're going to make it bleed if you bite it that hard, baby. Don't do that, just squeeze my hands. I can handle it."

You did as he said and though he felt the pain from your intense grip, he was unbothered by it.

He just kept focusing on you.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this." You whined as the pain finally started to fade again. "It's too much."

"It won't be much longer. And then, our baby is going to be here. That's amazing, right?"

You cracked a smile at the thought before looking into Wooyoung's eyes and nodding.

"I know you feel overwhelmed and that this is hard. I know you're in a lot of pain and it makes my heart ache seeing you like this. But just think about our baby. They'll be here sooner than you think."

"Okay." You said with a shaky breath, knowing he was right.

He kissed your temple softly and when he pulled away, he watched that same expression appear on your face that he's seen these last several hours - one of pain and agony.

He knew the pain was coming again.

So he brought your hands to his lips for a few soft kisses before you squeezed them tight.

"That's my girl." He encouraged. "Keep squeezing my hands. You can do this, baby. It won't be too long now. You're doing great and I'm right here with you."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 03 ⏰

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