make-up and cookie

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Taeyeobi sat at KB's desk, and tied his hair back, setting up his mirror.

He uncaps the eyeliner, and carefully lines his eyes, adding a tiny wing on each side.

capping the eyeliner, he purses his lips and looks through his makeup bag for his pink eyeshadow.

He opens the compact, twirling his brush in it, gently tapping it against the side of the compact to get some extra off.

He gently applies it and looks at his face again, gently using a smaller brush to fill in spots he missed.

He adds some highlighter to his nose and blends it with his foundation.

He turns his head this way and that way, so to see his make-upped face.

He smiles at his reflection and puts his make-up stuff away, zooming down the hall to KB who's making cookies.

Taeyeobi does a cutesy pose of making sweater paws under his chin, while looking up at Kb.

KB awes and gives him a cookie.

Taeyeobi uncovers his hands and noms on the biggish cookie. :I

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