pancakes 🥞

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Kyubin was working on vacation ideas.

When yoojung walks into the room, carrying his psyduck plushie.

he climbs onto Kb's lap and hugs KB.

"I can sense you don't feel happy today.."

yoojung looks at Kb, tears were welling up in his eyes.

KB gently shushes him and hugs him, gently rocking back and forth.

A few minutes later, yoojung started to cry.

He felt nauseas, but hungry at the same time.

Wookjin comes into the room in his slippers, sweatpants and night shirt, he gently takes Yoojung onto his lap after sitting down by KB.

He hums softly.

yoojung's crying slows and quiets down.

"Is Jungi hungry?"

yoojung whines in the tiniest way, and KB gets up and heads to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Wookjin gently sets yoojung on the chair and he grabs the thermometer, gently sticking it under jungi's tongue.

"now hold still bun."

yoojung holds still and waits for the beep.


yoojung jumps and Wookjin checks his temperature.

"hm.. it's kind of high today.."

yoojung hugs his psyduck plushie.

Wookjin gently takes the thermometer and cleans it off, carefully places the cap back on it and puts it away.

KB peeps into the room, eyes covered by his hand. "Breakfast is almost ready."

"Thankyou KB."

"Yup" he goes back to the kitchen after uncovering his eyes.

yoojung takes off his shirt feeling too warm.

Wookjin sighs and puts a lighter shirt on him.

yoojung gets set on his feet and he goes into the kitchen.

Wookjin follows behind.

KB watches as Yoojung sits down and scoots his chair in.

KB sets a plate of fluffy pancakes onto the table.

He drizzles a bit of syrup and pours some orange juice.

Yoojung picks up the glass and sips the orange juice.

Wookjin sits down and has some pancakes.

Yoojung eats his pancakes quietly.

KB turns the stove off and sits down.

"Kyubin. You should have pancakes too."

KB doinks his finger tips together.
"I already did.."

Wookjin makes a :| face while Yoojung makes a :I face.

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