So close..

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"I needed her.."

I walked away from the crowd, I don't know where Tom went but assumed he went to class. I made sure to loose the crowd, all of them eventually went to class. But I felt like someone was watching me, following me. Maybe it was nothing.

I walked up a big flight of stairs, soon being met by a door. I fixed my hair, and took a big breath in. Then opened the door.

And there she was. Facing the big orange and blue sky, cold wind hit my face as I walked as slow and quietly up to her. I saw smoke coming out of her mouth, I didn't know she smoked? Huh.. she changes her hair, it was more of a layered cut and all black.. I liked it. I came closer to her, I saw her side profile, she looked drained, tired, bored. She breathed into the cigarette.. then out. I got closer, she looked down. Getting too close to the edge.. the sound of cars zooming past below us. She got closer. Was she going to jump? What is with her?

"Y/n..?" I spoke in a soft but loud voice. She looked up quickly, and almost fell, she jumped to me and pushed me talking me to the ground. "BILL?! OMFG! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" She screamed. I got up and dusted myself off. "Yeah.. I noticed.." I looked at her, she looked the same yet so different. "You.. changed." She said sad, was that a bad thing? Did I do something wrong? Oh no..

"Uhh.. not really." I said, trying to make her get out of the thought that I changed 'in a bad way'.. "Yeah. U did." She said still sad. "But I like it.." she said smiling. UGHH!! "Same with you. But still pretty." I said blushing. "So how have u been?" She asked sitting down at the edge of the roof, and I did to but more carefully than her. "Uhh I'm doing great! You know the band, going good. It would have been nice to have you there tho.." I said, it still kills me, that day, with flora, and that STUPID kiss.

"Yep." She says taking a big breath, I probably hurt her.. hurt.. I FORGOT!

~•Y/N'S POV•~

"Yep." I said taking a breath in. I can't believe it.. bill is here, like in front of me. I thought I would never see him again. I miss him, I just wanna like kiss him, I wanna grab his soft face and kiss his pink lips. I was fighting the urge SO bad. Anyway He grew out his hair, I mean I like it but.. I miss the old him.. hm.

"So how have you been?" He asked. Well that was a stupid question, how have I been. Well let's see. Got raped (kinda) by my father, started drinking and smoking, going out and getting wasted, wanting to die. "Good." THATS IT!? THATS ALL I SAID?! 'GOOD?!' My gosh how stupid can I be..

Bill smiled and I looked away. "That's good." He said.. this is really awkward. "Sure..." I took out another cig and lit it, I looked over at bill.. "Want one?" I asked him, putting my hand towards him with the cig in it. "Sure why not.." he said and grabbed it from my hand. He put it in his mouth and I came closer to him, lighting it then scooting back. Then I lit mine. We had a silent smoke, no interruptions, just him and I.. I felt safe. Until bill said something that made my heart skip a beat.

"You left something in Spain.." what did he mean? Was it my blade? Did he know? "Uhh I don't know what you're talking about.." I said.. "Really? Fine." He said facing me, and holding his hand out. I'm getting nostalgia.. this happened like 3 times.. 2 with bill and one with Tom. I think.

"Bill.. come on." I said annoyed. "No. Let me see.." he said grabbing my arm. I stood up, trying to pull him off. "PLEASE! Just let me see!" He said pulling me to him. I started crying, I was scared, I didn't want him knowing. "S-STOP!" I pulled back, making me fall to the ground, he knelt down and pulled up my sleeve. Revealing well... a striped mess.. he looked at my arm in shock. I was just sitting there crying. "W-... why do you do this?" She said getting closer to me. "Back... away..." I said sniffing. He had no words to say, he was just shocked, scared, worried... idk.

He came closer to me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in a big hug.. he grabbed my face. And wiped my tears, we where so close.. was this the time we kiss?...for real this time?.. "Promise me you will never do that again.. please?" He said looking into my eyes. I nodded, I was going to try as hard as possible to keep that promise. He looked down at my lips, then back up,. I got butterflies. He didn't kiss me tho. Just went back to hugging me, awh man... I was kinda disappointed.. but.

He grabbed my arm, I didn't even pull away, what was the point anyways. He looked at the purple and white cuts. Some old and some new. Some small and some big. He pulled it to his face, planting one soft kiss. It was a warm and gentle kiss, sending shivers up my spine. I gave him a weak smile.. We embraced, we sat there, hugging on the roof, with the sun rising, cool breeze. I felt safe, I hope me and bill.. will maybe get closer. Like date? Or just share one small real kiss..

After a few minutes I stood up and looked into his eyes, they were glowing with light and tears.. I missed his eyes, face, smile, hair, voice, body, eye brows, light soft skin, lips, teeth, hands, legs, everything about him.. he was just so perfect. I grabbed his waist, this was my chance. He lent down, I stood taller, we were inches away, I felt his breath in my nose and lips. I got closer but right when our lips were touching. I heard someone run up to me, and push me... I felt hands on my shoulders and waist just push me.. then I remember seeing bills face, looking down at me, screaming my name.. someone had pushed me off the building.

AHH SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT! SORRY FOR CLIFFHANGER TOO!!!I have school so I have to go to sleep!! I will update tmrw I promise! Love y'all so very much💋💋
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