Last night, this morning

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Listen to sad music while reading for better effects😗 ENJOY


I ran out of the house fast. My song played. I never published it, and I don't know how it got there.. Flora maybe? Ugh I don't know. But I left so fast... ALSO BILL WAS THERE! I wanted to make sure that he didn't know the real me, although I made it kinda obvious. He looked so good so it was hard, I felt many feelings that night. Sad, mad, guilty, ashamed, confused, heartbroken... I want him, I want to talk to him and he know me, that I'm me and not 'Steph'. I just need him.

Liam was a boy that was bothering me all night. I was drunk so I couldn't control myself, but I didn't give him my real identity so that was good. I knew bill was jealous.. and horny? Damn.. he is easily turned on by.. me? Fuck y/n.. good job! But besides that he was also honest. He told me he felt guilty about going to the party but did it for me. I felt like crying but held them back. He was deeply in love with me, as much as I was for him.. maybe more? Did he change for me? Do all of this for me? And I return him a fake death, involving his brother? I really fucked up. Bad.

When I got back to the hotel my hair was messed up, makeup smudged, and high heels I'm my hand. Me feet where hurting so I took them off. I heard a toilet flush than water turn on, as I was changing into a shirt and shorts. I slipped on the shirt fast than the bathroom door swung open. "Y/n?" He said really confused. Then his face turned mad. "Y/n. Where were you last night?! Don't you want this to work?!" He said coming towards me, "yeah.. sorry I just needed to get my mud off of things." I said rubbing my head, clearly not as drunk. "Ugh... be more careful please." He said, I gave him a small smile and went to take a quick shower before the sun went completely down.

When I was done, I flicked on my phone to see.. many missed calls and texts from bill. Not from today but yesterday. That was probably before he went to the hospital to get my note. I knew he got my note because my brother was at the hospital to make sure he got it, under disguise ofc. And he broke down in tears from what I've heard... Weeping, sobbing, shaking, hyperventilating... He told me with so much detail I kept thinking about it all day.. I scrolled through the text. (You can't see read texts back then, so he can't see u read them!) they looked pretty much like this..:(


Y/n? Are you okay? I'm really

Y/n.? Why didn't you answer my text? Are you alright? Please answer me.

This isn't funny answer me, I'm getting
really worried, please answer me..
Yesterday at 1:12

I know your not there.. I miss you, I want you back.. just. I don't know, I just can't live without you. I need you, I love you y/n
if I move on. I will feel guilty, and think do you first. But I will never get over you, my love for you will always be 100%. Forever and alway. I love you and miss you.

I heard you sing at a party. Someone looked like you, pretty and same features. But I will always love you more. Forever and always.
Today at 6:29

I was scared? Sad? I was really tempted to just go up to him and tell him I'm alive.. but I can't do that. That will like ruin my whole plan, it's going so well. I just miss his, his voice, even tho it's been a few hours since I saw him. I want him to talk to me knowing that it's me and I'm alive. UGH ITS KILLING ME!!(no pun intended)

I slowly drifted off to sleep, thinking about ofc bill. All the things he said to me, did for me, loved about me. I never knew someone would love me like he dose. I never knew my feelings would get this deep for someone also. Then my eyes shut, and I thought one last time about bill then went to sleep.


I woke up with the sun beaming bright on my sore face. I don't remember much about last night, I drank some drinks.. I saw a girl,
Y/n's song played and I went outside, then went home. I guess so. Many thought and things where flying through my head as one came across. We have a interview in like... SHIT 30 MINUTES?!Tom won't be able to go of course, so I guess me Gustav, and George... I was kinda scared, the questions they will ask are going to be all about y/n's death, and toms arrest. I was not ready to talk about it much. It was to hard for me to even think about it. But this was like mandatory, so...

I got dressed in a simple black jean and shirt with jacket, with some rings and necklaces. Shoes and I put on some makeup. I asked George to pick up Gustav than me. As he did I got in the car and we drove ti the place. I took many deep breaths and tried to stay calm.. it was hard but I did my best, just thinking that y/n would want my career to be best.. so u was doing this for her. Her.

As I walked in I saw a giant crowd of girls and people shouting and screaming mine and the boys name.. some dissing Tom saying 'KILLER' or 'PHYSCO' like it was not my fault he did try at to her. But they weren't wrong, we really was crazy.. why would he believe some stupid school rumor instead of his own brother.. I still think about that.

I was back stage. The interviewer practicing how to start the interview, my leg was bouncing up and down. See this is where y/n would usually calm me down... but she can't, not anymore.. "Hey man.. we can do this, we will be fine." I heard a familiar voice say and I snapped back to the real world. "Thanks Gustav.. just a little worried that's all." I lied, I was not a little worried but BIG TIME WORRIED! Ugh I'm not ready.


If u ask how my life has been, it's been a absolute living hell...

IM SK TIRED! I will update later tmrw so stay tuned. Off topic but I got moved out from a advanced math class bc I'm just that bad.. LOVE YALL PLS KEEP READING AND VOTING TOOO🥰
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