The First Step

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I slept in, and completely forgot to post earlier.

But I haven't gone to sleep yet, so it still count as wednesday.

Harry dropped onto the bed in his room at the Leaky Cauldron, letting out a deep sigh.

The people looking for him had been ministry people, sent to deflate Aunt Marge and make sure Harry was safe. For some reason. No one would tell Harry anything. Even when they had bundled him onto The Knight Bus, (a wizarding transport that was barely better then Flu powder) they only said the minister was waiting for him, and sent him off to the pub that served as a gateway between muggle London, and Diagon Alley.

Even Fudge, the minister for magic, only told him not to wander muggle London, because it 'might be dangerous'.

Harry wished someone would tell him what was going on.

When Tom had shown him to his room, the first thing Harry had noticed was Hedwig, perched on the foot of the bed, back from Hermione's. 

It wasn't until the next morning, that Harry got his first clue to what was going on.

Tom the barman had kindly delivered Harry's breakfast up to his room, along with a copy of the Daily Prophet. Harry started on his breakfast quite happily, and unfolded the newspaper curiously. Only to inhale a sausage down the wrong pipe in surprise, and begin to choke.

After several frantic minutes, Harry managed to clear his throat, and instead ogled the front page in disbelief.

In massive, bold print across the top were the words;

No leads on escaped mass murderer Sirius Black

Underneath there was a black and white photo which, like most wizarding photographs, was moving, blinking slowly up at Harry. But Harry had seen him before, just last night in fact, of that he was sure. Even if it had been dark, Harry would recognize Sirius' gray eyes anywhere. Seeing the picture in the Prophet also reminded Harry where he had seen Sirius before. On the muggle news barely a week ago. A 'dangerous mass murderer' they'd said. But Harry also remembered what Sirius had told him; framed for something he didn't do.

Harry didn't know what to think. Sirius hadn't seemed like an unstable mass murderer. He could still remember the feeling of his hug, as well as the kiss he'd pressed to Harry's forehead.

Could it have all been a ploy? He certainly seemed to know Harry. He said he was Harry's godfather, but there was no way to find out if that was true. Should he trust Sirius? Steer clear of him? 

Harry's head was swimming, as he set the newspaper aside. He would have to speak to Sirius again, if he wanted any hope at an answer.

Instead, he focused on what to do with the day. He would need to complete his shopping for school, and for that, he would need gold. Pulling his Hogwarts letter out of his trunk, Harry felt a twinge of guilt and sadness, as he set aside the permission form. There was no way Uncle Vernon would ever sign it, now.

Harry looked over the list of books he'd need for the coming year. On it, he saw 'The Monster Book of Monsters', the book Hagrid had sent him for his birthday. It made sense now, why Hagrid would think a biting book would come in handy. 

When Harry finished his breakfast, he grabbed his wand and pouch of wizarding money out of his trunk. His supply list in hand, he took the tray from breakfast with him down into the bar on the first floor. Leaving the tray with Tom the barman, Harry headed out the back door and tapped the third brick from the left, watching as the solid brick wall transformed into an archway into Diagon Alley.

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