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'And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You're gorgeous'

  Second year was crazy. Blood on the walls, teenage (HOT) Voldemort, possessed Ginny, and Draco Malfoy becoming the Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch Team. Unbelievable.

I even had to turn into Malfoy's idiotic girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson! Yuck!

  But third year gave second a run for its money.

"Lumos Maxima," A voice across from me whispered. Harry, of course.

"Harry, shut up! I'm trying to sleep," I hissed at him, sitting up from my bed.

Suddenly I heard the toilet flush.

We both laid back down in our beds, immediately.

Vernon Dursley, our horrible uncle, opened our bedroom door, switching the light on. He looked around, then switched the light right off, walking out.

"Lumos Maxima," Harry whispered, the entire room was lit.

"I'm trying to sleep, Harry. What do you need to look at so desperately at this hour?" I called from under my pillow, I placed it on my head to stop the noise.

"Lumos Maxima," He said again.

"Okay, you need to stop it," I hissed, sitting up.

"LUMOS MAXIMA!" Harry yelled.


I cut myself off mid-sentence, hiding under the covers as Vernon ran into our room again.

He walked right out.

Harry looked at me, smirking.

"Shut up," I murmured, falling onto my pillow.

"Harry! Harry! Harry! Open the door." Aunt Petunia called. Harry went over to the door, immediately opening it.

Aunt Marge walked in sputtering, her ugly, disgusting dog by her side. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs. I just don't like Aunt Marge's 12 dogs.

I watched her hand her umbrella to Harry without even sparing him a glance. I shook my head as I continued to wash the dishes.

"Marge, how lovely to see-" Aunt Petunia started, but stopped, as the dog jumped on her growling.

"Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form," Harry pulled out our visiting privileges to Hogsmeade out.

"What is it?" Vernon asked.

"Nothing," Harry replied, "School stuff."

"Later perhaps, if you behave," Vernon walked away.

"I will, if she does," Harry said, looking at Marge.

"That's too bad, Aunt Petunia already signed mine!" I called from the kitchen. Harry silently flicked me off.

"Whatever, whatever," Vernon said.

"Oh... you're still here, are you? And that sister of yours?" Aunt Marge scoffed, looking as plump as ever. I couldn't see her, I was just guessing.

"Yes...," Harry quipped.

"Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. They'dve been straight into an orphanage if they'd been dumped on my doorstep, Vernon." Aunt Marge scoffed. I immediately stopped doing the dishes, walking out next to my brother. I folded my arms over my chest.

𝐈 𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐝 // 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now