||•||Chapter 2||•||

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Gem looked at the bandages that was wrapped around her arm, she was wearing a plane white t-shirt and pants with some equipment here and there "gem are you okey?" Myth asked concerened as they entered the trainning grounds, gem took in a shacky breath and nodded they saw 4 people along with more then a thousand soldiers "you guys are here." Joel said looking up from his bew sword "nice seeing yiu guys too." Fwihp said they saw four people talkinf to some soldiers, all of them had diffrent types of wings

"Where are those ElIte soildiers of yours?" A boy said mokingly "You invited yourself over withought telling my parents, Joe." A girl who could only be princess katherein said rolling her eyes "Right!" A boy with dirty-blond hair blue eyes and multi-colored wings yelled clapping his hands, he turned to a brunette whom seemed to be a wood of forest elf he was covered in scars which made him look slightly intimidating "we will be showing our auras or Life crystals." He said everyone was confused

"Isn't gemini here?" Katherein asked "may you show them how to do it, knowing your abilities." Katherein asked they were standing on a podduim, gem wen't up she looked hesitant she muttered something in elvidh and a large crystal stood it shone a cold white and warm yellow there was a off crack and a chain as if holding it in place and a protection bubble overlapped it cwhy are you showing just half of it?" Katherein asked, gems life crystal seemed to grow brighter "nothing... nothings wrong.." gem mumbled before giving katherein a small bow and heading back to her group whom now had theyre life crystals out

"Right, we will have a few senior knights help everyone with sword fighting, for the more experienced people you can spar and for anyone who knows how to heal come with me." Katherein said myth turned to gem grinning "what?" She asked "nothing, nothing. . . Xornoth how 'bout we spar?" Myth asked xornoth both of them readied they're swords myth sprinted at him they're swords clashed, a red aura enveloped xornot while a dark sea green eveloped myth

The two's powers were pyro which was concerning considering there were a few tree's, shelby and joel were average at medical skills and wen't there to where katherein was teaching a younger girl, shelby grinned as she saw that the wound on the dummy stopped bleeding and blushed when katherein complimented her oli was fighting a older guy named pixllriffs fwihp was with a man named mumbo who was prince grians' companion he was the reason that gilded helenthias was now having even more land for they're export

Gem was reading a spells book before someone lightly tapped her shoulder "do you know how to spar?" A girl said she had a mix of dirty-blond hair and a caramel brown hair she had blue-grey eyes and a large pair of golden wings "yes, tho I prefer magic." Gem said "your highness, pearlescent moon first heir of gilded helenthia." She said going back to her book and ignoring the princesses shocked face "how's you--" "your oh so obvious wings and attire." Gem said rolling her eyes "how about a spar?" Pearl suggested "sure." Gem grinned, summoning a crystal clear blade and her book desapearing somewhere, the two positioned themselves from myth's and xornoths left gem lifted her sword and it seemed to not even be seen just the hilt she raised it and it erupted to purple flames aiming it at pearls neck the latter blocking it with her sword

pearl raised her sword and disapeard for a momment, gems eyes narrowed before blocking her the avian shocked "you actually have a knack for magic eh?" She said smirking "I graduated top of my grades and I've known swords fighting due to some person whos a year older then me." Gem said looking at myth who was showing some pyro spells to xornoth... she heard pearl groan and loose focus abit before going back to her senses "your a avian?" She asked disappearing again gem blocked her again gem was unfortunatly silent much to pearls annoyance, pearl summoned a axe and smirked "I was just playing."she said smilling she was somehow had much more brute force and was more agile... withought using magic and in a momments notice pearl was ontop of gem smirking "Isn't this unfortunate?" She asked tilting her head at the dark elf whom only rolled her eyes "why don't you bring your wings out?" She asked "I'll say why if you get off me."

"What?- oh.." pearl getting off the shorter girl

Gem sighed and a pair of midnight black wings appeared she blinked "this is what I get if I forget to unravel them before sleeping.." she said groaning "oh, your lady natalies child." Pearl said eyes narrowed "now that I think of it it makes sense that she wouanded up here." Pearl said she looked at grian and scar sighing "meet you at war." She said flying off to her brother and brother in-law "ohh gem~!" Sh!t. Was the first thing gem thought when a soft hand touched her shoulder "rosaline. . . Are you looking for your brother. . .? I saw him talking with a senior knight not to long ago." Gem said gemini celest mors! If you tell that crazy woman where my location is im going to WRECK. YOUR. LIFE. Fwihp said telepathically "no, Wheres young master fwihp~?" She asked "im suprised your even attracted to him.." gem said under her breath
"His with myth." Gem said gem! Sibling code! We promised to not tell her anything if we see her again!! Myth whinned while seeing the blond happily skip to him grabbing his hands and asking where his brother was

Gem held back laughing as her older brother tried to think of a excuse "who's that- Wait sausege has fangirls?" Jimmy asked, he gave everyone nicknames while walking down the halls naming myth sausege "no, somehow fwihp those." Gem said "Fwihp?!" Jimmy yelled supprised rosaline automatically turned to him and gem teleported away to shelby who was a blushing mess with katherein "princess katherein, please refrain from flirting with my sister." Gem said scarring the other two and making her yiunger sister being more red by the second "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Zornoth yelled he was followed by they're old group from yesterday and a frightend rosaline, a large bronze dragon appeared "di immortals..." gem cursed "they really wan't house blossom gone.. thats the dragon that nearly destroyed your kingdom right prince scar?" Shelby asked the prince nodded

"Everyone calm down, they're not targetting the royals nor us." King ryan yelled getting everyones attention just then a two headed dragon appeared two times the size as the bronze one "The 1st generation is here I see." Pixlriffs said looking up and seeing people in white clothing

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