Raph x GN! Reader

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Comforting Confessions
Thank you for requesting, @Beaniegirl2342
Reader's POV:

Today was the absolute worst! Not only did I forget my homework, we had a pop quiz in my worst subject! I dropped my phone and the camera cracked, it started storming which has my parent/s held up at work, and the power was knocked out for an unknown amount of time which didn't help the fact that my phone was at 23%.

After a bit of time I decided to call the most comforting person I know, Raphael an Alligator Snapping Turtle mutant. He was the oldest of the four Hamato brothers. He's a big softie unless you mess with his loved ones.

"Hey (name), what's up?" Raph asked answering on the second ring.

"Just a little lonely, my parent/s are stuck at work due to the storm and today has really sucked." I said fighting the urge to breakdown.

"I could come over." He offered.

"That would be nice." My voice broke a little because of my breakdown battle.

"Are you ok? Are you crying?" Ralph's voice questioned in genuine concern.

"No, no. I'm fine!" I said, y'know like a liar.

"Okay, I'll be there in a little bit."

"'Kay, see you then." He hung up.

The urge to cry became overpowering, so you let a few tears slip which led to me bawling my eyes out.

A notification lit up my phone, a text reading 'about 2 mins away.' Great that give my time to get rid of any evidence of tears. I ran to change into pajamas and to wash you face of the tears and hopefully calm down the puffiness before Raph gets there.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I peaked out to the living room to see Raph at the window tapping signify that he's here and asking to be let in. I run over and let him in and offer him a towel to dry off. He accepts to towel and notices that your eyes are slightly bloodshot and puffy.

"Weren't cryin', huh?" Raph said with a knowing look.

"No, ha ha. What? Why would I be crying?" I said, I couldn't come up with much being caught off guard.

"I remember you saying something about today being horrible, what happened?"

"Y'know the usual, I forgot my homework, had a pop quiz, broke my phones camera, the storm keeping my parent/s away from me. The power going out was the cherry on the top of my 'fuck me' sundae."

"Language. Anyway, that sounds horrible! Why are you so against cryin' in front of of Raph, or anyone in general?"

"Uh- I don't know. I guess it's because being vulnerable makes me feel like I'm painting a target to my greatest weaknesses."

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you to be so honest."

"Yeah, I wasn't either."

"Wanna hug?" Raph held his arms out.

"Yes, please." I said accepting the hug. Catching a glimpse of the clock that said it was 8:47 p.m. The rough day had you exhausted and the warmth of the turtle hugging you slowly pulled you to sleep.

"Why are you so lovable?"

Was that Raph? What?

"I wish we were together. Raph would make sure you never feel this bad again."

Omigosh! He like me back? I like him? Oh, yeah. Guess I forgot about my feelings for him with all the horribleness of today.

"You are asleep, right?" Raph said lightly poking your cheek which made you giggle. "Clearly not. Did you hear all of that?"

"Yeah, I heard it all. Oh! By the way, your wish is my command." I said kissing his cheek making him go red.

"Wha? My wish?" He said clearly confused

"You said that you wish we were together, your wish is my command."

"Oh. OH! Okay, so we're together now? Like significant others?"


"Okay." Raph blush darkened when I held his hand interlocking our fingers. The two of us ended up staring out the window, holding each other's hands. The storm slowly ended as you two nuzzled into each other. Then suddenly both of your phones lit up with notifications. Your mom was on her way and Raph was wanted back at the lair. The two of you said your reluctant, love-filled goodbyes.

Thank you for reading!

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