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(William caught a horrible illness on a mission and can't leave his room for three months.)

"William?" Louis asked as he knocked on William's door. "I brought you some food. The doctor said you'll recover easier if you eat enough", he continued.

"Thank you, Louis. You really are the best", William responded.

"I'll leave the food here, enjoy", Louis said and left the food outside William's room's door for William to take, since he wasn't allowed to be near other people.

William listened to Louis' steps, walking away from him. When he didn't hear them anymore, he walked to his door and opened it, taking the food inside his room and closing the door.

William walked to his window. He placed the food on a desk beside the window and leaned against it.

William's eyes followed the movements of people outside. Everyone was having so much fun together.

A familiar person walked to the view. William leaned his face closer to the window to see the detective better.

Sherlock walked on the side of the street, organizing his thoughts. The new case really seemed to give him a challenge.

Sherlock turned his head to look at the sky but something caught his eye. He looked at the beautiful blonde for a second and waved.

William was surprised that Sherlock had noticed him and waved back. He thought of something and grabbed a piece of paper from his desk and wrote down: "How are you, Sherly?"

Sherlock chuckled at the way the blonde was communicating and took a notebook from his pocket and wrote down: "Pretty good. Want to come outside to join me for a walk?"

"Sorry, I can't."

"May I ask why?"

"I have a illness."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you get better soon."

"I should be fine in about three months."

"Will you join me for a walk then?"

"Of course."

William smiled at Sherlock. He was happy that Sherlock had stopped just talk with him even though they couldn't properly talk.

"Sorry, I have to go do work now but I'll come by tomorrow if that's okay?" Sherlock wrote down. He looked guilty because he had to leave and he was having such a fun time.

William waved goodbye and watched as Sherlock left. He stepped away from the window and sat down on a chair.

William took the papers in his hands. He read through them again and noticed how messy his handwriting wasn't that good.

He wasn't paying that much attention to it since he was enjoying his time with Sherlock.

But that ended as quickly as it started. Sherlock had left and he was all alone again. William walked to his bed and sat down. He sighed deeply and stared at the wall on the other side of the room.

William noticed the food on the desk. He had completely forgotten about it when he had noticed Sherlock. William took the plate on his lap and started eating in silence.

Suddenly something was thrown against the window. William snapped his gaze to the window and immediately noticed the blue haired detective.

He stood up from his bed and hurried over to the window. William picked up papers again and read what Sherlock's note said:

"Hi Liam!"

"Didn't you have work?"

"Yes, but it seemed boring so I left."

"Isn't it important though?"

"Not as important as you are."

William felt his cheeks grow red to the last note. He grabbed another paper but couldn't come up with what to write. He was speechless. But Sherlock had already written the next note:

"Left speechless? Or did you run out of paper?"

"Just thinking of what to write to a handsome man like you. Have to write something worthy of you, don't I?"

"Everything you write and do are worthy of me Liam."

And William was blushing again. How could anyone think of responses like that so fast?

But it wasn't only William who wasn't blushing. Sherlock was so caught off guard by William's response, his cheeks were bright red.

They kept on chatting via notes for a long time. Even though William couldn't invite any company over, Sherlock still managed to hang out with him and chat with him.

The people who passed by just saw two blushing geniuses writing down on papers and showing it to each other.

This chapter is bad but I'm drowning in school work so bear with it.

Now, go sleep. Or I'll make sure your charger only works in a very specific angle.

Take care!! <3

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