Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

This year will be different. I can feel it. I know it won't be like a normal school year. Well in Hogwarts, u never have a normal year. These thoughts were running in my head while I was walking towards the train. When I walked down the stairs from a bridge there was a room where Sirius gave me a photo. He risked his life to say goodbye to me. But I didn't give him my goodbye when he left me forever. My head went down. In some seconds I heard familiar voices arguing. I smiled a little cause I knew who it was. Hermione with Ron.

They two. I laughed for myself. I always know when they are around, especially when they're fighting about some stupid things. But when they noticed me and my half-smiled and half-sad face, they came over and started to talk with me. "Harry! Hey!!" Said Hermione when she got closer. "Hi, Herm, how have u been? Both of you?" turn around at Ron. But to my happiness, Ginny walked in the same direction as Ron was standing. I smiled widely but hid it by looking quickly away, at Hermione. "We would be fine if this intelligent guy wouldn't act like a kid." Hermione frowned at Ron. Oh god sikes, here we go again. " Excuse me, miss Intelligence in quidditch, but this game is A LIFE. Almost everyone like it! And-" And they started again. I said to myself it would be better for them and more likely for me to go to the train and find some free compartment in it.

So I walked towards the train and suddenly overheard someone's conversation. "Did you hear that Thomas got a girl?! How ridiculous right?" So someone's of course have a lifetime. Dean has a girlfriend. I would like to know who it is. I stepped on the train and walked past the hallway, looking for seats. While walking someone ran into me, so I turned around. "Hi, Harry!" said a sweet small voice. It was Luna. "Oh hi, Luna! It's great to see you there, how have you been?" asked as I helped her pick up her weird glasses cause they fell down when she ran into me. "Thanks and I have been great! I'm really sorry for your godfather, Harry." She said as she stroked my hand. "Thanks, what are you doing here and why were you running?" I asked. "Well, I was looking for Ginny. She was supposed to be in the compartment I reserved, but she sent me the quick flying letter she is on the other side of the train with Neville and told me to hurry up." She said quickly. I nodded. I heard they are making a nice trio. "I should better be going." She said as she smiled at me and ran quickly on the other side of the train. I laughed and from what I understood by her telling time story, there was supposed to be a reserved compartment and logical empty compartment. So I went on the other way of train than Luna. That meant that I would be far away from Ginny, but what could I do right? I found it. A reserved free compartment. I sat in and waited for fighting love birds. I looked out of the window and imagined, how beautiful a year it could be if Sirius was still alive. I can't stop thinking about that, that I could save him. I was standing right next to him. Why him? They want me all the time and now they killed the only family I really had.

After some minutes Ron walked in and Hermione followed him. It's nice to see that they are close to each other. For years both of them had a crush on each other. But finally, you can tell they are close. I wish I could say this about me and Ginny. I'd love to have a long conversation with her or just be with her. Hang out with her. I really like her. She is- ah, just by seeing her, I'm smiling already. But when if I start something with her, Ron will be mad or say those things about me hurting her cause I'm the chosen one and every girl is after me. I don't actually care about other girls, except Hermione cause she is my best friend. But Ginny, she is my reason to smile. She always has been there for me. I want to do the things that she did for me.

Time flight and we arrived at Hogwarts. The place I can call my home. We all walked to the great hall and the first year was waiting for hat to set them in houses. Everyone sat down. I was looking all over a great hall when my eyes found Ginny. She was talking to Dean. Weird. I didn't know they were friends. For god sake, Harry! Are you overreacting cause of jealousy!? What's wrong with me!? I shook my head. This is ridiculous.

In some moments, Dumbledore walked over, and as usual, he started with his speech. Everyone after that went to their common room. Our Golden trio walked straight to the couch in front of fireplace. "Aren't you guys tired?" said unknown. I knew that voice. I looked up quickly. "Oh, Ginny- Hi! Well, you know, we wanted to talk a bit. We haven't seen each other for the whole summer. And plus it's not that late and we aren't sleepy." I answered. both of them looked at me so confused cause I was talking really fast and they just nodded. Even Ginny looked kinda shocked or confused about what happened to me. But she just smiled and walked over upstairs. I looked at Hermione and her look was like "INVITE HER IDIOT!" so I turned back again, but I left my mouth open, as I wanted to invite her, cause I saw something heartbreaking. Dean Thomas was kissing my ginger girl.

Heyy Guyys, this is my new story and for first time I'm trying to write in English. I hope u like it and if u would like to add something or tell me if u like it or not or even if u would like a next parts of course = COMMENT 🩷


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