Chapter 8

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After I pulled away Ron and Hermione walked back in. I looked over them as soon as they made their way to our table.  Hermione sat on the other side of me next to Ginny. "Good job actually," Hermione said as she smiled at her. Ginny smiled back. Ron sat down next to Hermione. "Yeah sis, but what happened? What made you break up with him?" Ron added with confusion on his face. That question took my attention from Ginny's hand in my hand 'cause I would like to know it also and I'm pretty sure, she won't say because of me in front of her brother. Ginny looked at Ron. "Do you want to you? It will make you pretty mad, all of you." She added and suddenly all of us nodded. She sighed. "He cheated on me and he doesn't know I know." My heart skipped the beat with anger. "HE DID WHAT-?!" All tree of us yelled at the same time. I can't believe it. He cheated on the prettiest girl in Hogwarts?! He is dumber than I thought. I looked at Ginny with a sad face. I was pretty mad but I felt sorry that she had to go through so much. 

First-year = Tom Riddle.

Second - Fourth year = me liking for Cho. 

And now she got cheated on by the biggest idiot. 

Ron had a red face because of his growing anger. It's kinda funny how redheads match their faces when they're mad or shy. After that, Ginny, Ron Hermione, and I walked over back to Hogwarts. Hermione and Ron were in front of me and Ginny. While walking Ginny slightly took my hand. I smiled at her. "We also need to talk, Mr. Potter." She added. I hate when someone uses my last name but from her, it feels like an honor to have that name. I nodded "We definitely have to." I answered. She giggled a little. " Do you even know what we're going to talk about when u used the "definitely" word?" she smiled. I laughed a little. "Well I have no idea but when we will talk, that means we'll be alone and to be honest, I miss your lips on mine." I saw her face getting red. It was cute. She playfully hit me. I smiled. "Whaat? It's true. Like, don't get me wrong, I like your lips but I still think they look better on mine." I smirked down at her. Her face matched her hair now. 

After some hours we had dinner time, I hadn't seen Ginny since we said goodbye because we both had classes. Our golden trio sat down and we all had dinner. As always only Mione and I talked because Ron had a full mouth of food. Before finishing my dinner I saw Ginny walking in with her head down. It seemed like she wished she would be invisible. Well, not for me ever. I watched her. Hermione saw my interest in Ginny so she dragged Ron out of the Great Hall. I stood up and sat next to Ginny. "What's wrong?" I asked as I rubbed her hand. She was sobbing. "Gins... you can tell me." She sighed and pulled her hair behind her ear. I didn't know why until I saw it. The red handprint on her face. Did someone slap her? Someone slapped my girl. I saw a tear falling from her eyes down her face. I pulled her into a hug. "Who did this to you?" I asked and tried to sound calm. She hugged back before pulling away to tell me who slapped her. "You know who." She answered. I thought for a moment when I actually realized. "That son of the..." I stood up, took her hand, and made our way out of the Great Hall. We walked over to the common room and I saw Dean talking to Seamus. When Seamus saw my face he stood up. I let go of Ginny's hand and walked over to Dean. When he turned around and looked at me I punched his face pretty hard so he fell on the ground. Ron and Hermione rushed over. "Are you crazy Potter!?" Dean yelled at me. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Seamus asked as he helped Dean to stand up. "Ask your dear friend why he hits Ginny tho!?" I said angrily. Seamus looked over at Ginny and saw her red face. "Dean...?!" He added. Dean looked a little bit embarrassed. As he should be. I didn't realize Ron was next to me so he heard me when I said Dean slapped Gins. For Ron, it was the last straw. He jumped at Dean pushing him. Me and Hermione pulled Ron away. Seamus held Dean but right after he let go of him. "You're an idiot, Dean." He said as he left up to his room. Dean followed him. "I'll take him up," Hermione said as she dragged Ron up to his dorm. I didn't think it was a good idea when we shared the same dorm. And Hermione had the same idea so she pulled him to her dorm. 

After they closed the door I turned around at Ginny. The tears were falling down her cheeks. I walked over, grabbed her chin, and made her look at me as I wrapped off her tears. "Don't cry please, my heart hurts when you do." She hugged me and I hugged her back. We sat on the couch and watched her as she was wrapping her tears off. "I'm sorry..." she said after a while. I looked confused at her, "What? For what?" I asked, she looked down. "For getting you into trouble... just because I didn't protect myself better." She said. My heart broke when she blamed herself for everything that had happened. I leaned over, took her chin, made her look at me, and smiled. "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault at all." I said as I pulled her closer. "You really did your best, you told me. And I took a revenge. Normal couple thing." I stopped talking, Did I really just say a couple things...?! Dumb Harry, you should learn how to shut up. My face turned red. I just called me and her a couple. She noticed it because her face turned red. "I mean- uh well the... other thing-" I haven't finished, she stopped me by kissing me. Shit, I really love when she does that. I kissed her back. After she pulled away, she smiled. "I like how it sounded." I blushed a little. I smiled and stroked her cheek. "Well, I definitely did also." she smiled widely. "But I still feel bad for getting you into-" This time I stopped her by kissing her lips. Shit, I don't know what's better, she stopping me by kissing or me stopping her by kissing. I said in my head as I was enjoying the feel of her lips against mine. She joined the kiss. I pulled away but stayed close. "Don't worry about it, none of it. At least you have me to protect you now." I smiled. She blushed and matched her hair again. "Harry James Potter, might you stop being cute for once?" she added and kissed me. I gladly joined the kiss as I pulled her on top of me. Did she just call me cute? Why does everything she says sound so perfect, well maybe because she's perfect. 

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