first day

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The first day of the term is always a pain for Mabel. Getting up early was something she found quite tiring. And here she was, yawing and stretching her limbs, still in bed while her three roommates from the first year wide wake. Olivia was rummaging through her trunk as Astoria combed her hair. Celeste, as always, was at the farthest bed, a book open on her lap as she braided her long white hair.

Mabel never saw Celeste keeping her hair open. She would always put it in a braid and the former never complained as the later was always reserved. After a lots of struggles, the blonde got up from the bed and dragged herself to the prefect's bathroom. She slided the shower curtains the let the taps on. The cool yet warm water relaxed her muscles as she sighed.

Mabel got off the tub and quickly dried herself, putting on her uniform. She sprinted to her dorm, only to find it empty. She realised all the three of them left for the breakfast. She quickly combed her hair and kept it open and put on the prefect pin on the chest are of her robes.

Mabel settled her tie and with a last look at the mirror, she grabbed her rucksack, which once belonged to her brother; she brought her own satchel too but wanted to use the former one, and ran towards the great hall.

Sitting down in between a third year and Astoria, Mabel was greeted by Samuel.

"Slept well?" Samuel asked, passing the blonde a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Never better."

"What's our first class?" Astoria asked.


"We got the schedule?" Mabel asked.

"Oh! You didn’t get one," Samuel spoke and passed her one.

Mabel bit on her toast and eyed the schedule and it caught her eyes that she didn’t had potions on the first day. She was kinda glad about that, keeping the schedule in her rucksack, she focused on her meals.

Finishing the breakfast, Mabel met with Ginny for a quick hug and then turned back at Olivia and Astoria.

"Lets visit Professor Flitwick. Charms is amazing." Astoria said.

"I thought you liked Potions?"

"Mabel likes Potions. She tops everytime," Astoria pointed.

"Guys, can we not. Lets go to charms."

The trio was welcomed by a cheerful Flitwick who was rather excited for the term.

"Take your seats, students," Flitwick cheered.
"So today we'll be learning a new simple yet fascinating charm. The cleaning charm. Who can tell me the incantation?"

Mabel's hand hit the air as soon as the professor finished.
"Yes, Miss Peters?"


"Excellent. Five points to slytherin."

The students clad in the green robes erupted in cheers.
"Now, Miss Peters can you differentiate between Scourgify charm and Skurge charm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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