Something New

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Mayas pov

We finally put out what is probably our 10th fire this week. There's a serial arsonist in Seattle, and that makes it the worst time to be a firefighter. He's attacking crowded places, so we save who we can and put out the fire. I've never liked losing civilians inside, as I'm sure no one does. It's been devastating here.

The second we arrive to the station I see Chief Ross waiting for me outside my office. Great. Just what I needed, my boss. "Hughes and Montgomery, clean the engine. Herrera and Warren, wrap the hoses. Ruiz and Gibson, you're on supplies. I'll be down to help after I talk to the chief." I yell as I head upstairs.

"Captain Bishop." She says as I open my office door and let her in. "Chief" I reply. I fix my sweaty and messy ponytail and wipe the soot off my face before sitting down. "As you know we have an arsonist on our hands. The city PD has called in the FBI because it's out of their control. We have agents coming by tonight to talk to you about their next moves. I need you to brief your team afterwards. Not a word to anyone outside the station." She says.

The FBI? Woah. "Yeah, of course. Do you know what time tonight so I can be ready?" She checks her watch quickly before saying "they land in two hours". "Okay. Sounds good." I reply. "I'm going to talk to the other Seattle stations. Now get down there and help your team." "Yes ma'am." I reply, following her down the stairs.

"19, lineup." I yell. They all hustle over. "Ross said there's an FBI agent coming to talk about the fires. They're going to speak to me first, and then I will tell you what I can. I want this place sparkling before they get here. No one outside of the station can know, are we clear?" I say. "Yes Captain." They all say. "Alright, back to your jobs." I say.

I help Montgomery and Hughes on the engine, scrubbing off some soot and dirt on the body. I'm buffing off the engine when the station goes dead quiet. I turn and see a woman walking in with a vest and a badge. I hop off the engine, take off my glasses and throw the rag over my shoulder.

"I'm special agent Carina DeLuca." She says, "Captain Maya Bishop." I reply, shaking her hand. "Do you have somewhere private we can talk?" She asks. "Yeah my office, you can follow me." I say, walking up the stairs.

She's beautiful. I mean like breath taking beautiful. She has this accent too, Spanish? Italian? Focus bishop. This isn't about you.

We get in my office and she locks the door behind her and shuts the curtains. I sit down at my desk and she sits across from me. I can't stop looking at her eyes, her lips, her hair. She's effortlessly beautiful.

"So as you know we have a serial arsonist on our hands. We've developed a profile of our suspect, white male, late twenties to early thirties, problems with authority. Do you know anyone like this?" I rack my brain. No one comes to mind. "No one I can think of." I reply.

"Thats okay. The fires he's setting are gasoline based, and he strikes populated areas with poor ventilation. We think he may have a connection with the fire department. You cannot share the last part with anyone, not your team, not your partner, your parents, no one."

"I don't have a partner and I don't speak to my parents so that won't be hard." I say, laughing. Bishop that was not funny. This is not a joking matter. Stop trying to get her to like you. She pauses for a second before saying "is there anyone on your team or anyone you've previously worked with that would fit this criteria?"

I sit back in my chair, thinking of every probie and chief I worked with. "Maybe Dixon but this doesn't Sound like something he'd do." I say. "I shouldn't be telling you this but he is under investigation as we speak." She says. We both go quiet, and I can feel her eyes on me.

"Is this your first time in Seattle?" I ask. We make eye contact and I know she feels it too. She has to. "Yeah, maybe if I have an extra day you could show me around?" She replies, smiling.

I scream internally. "Yes.. yes of course.. yeah." I stutter. Her phone starts to ring. "Is there anywhere private I can take this?". "Yeah, my bunk is right over there, it's soundproof." I say. Why did I say that.

She heads in and takes the call. I need this woman. I need to take her on a date, and learn everything about her. Something about her is magnetic to me.

She comes back out, putting her phone in her pocket. "I gotta go. Don't tell your team about the internal Investigation." She says. I stand up and walk her out. "Thank you, for coming by I mean." I say as she heads down the stairs. "It's my job!" She says, "oh did your chief give you my number, just to keep in touch if there's any updates?" She adds.

"No she didn't, here's my phone." I say handing it to her. She puts her info in and thanks me before heading out. I click the contact. Wow. I got her number. I mean it's technically for work or whatever but still, it's a win in my book.

After I brief the team, keeping out the internal investigation part, I head back up to my office. I text Carina, she probably doesn't have my number because she put hers in my phone. "Hey, it's Captain Bishop." I write. I take a deep breath before sending it.

dangerous womanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin