a second date

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Carinas pov

Maya arrives at my hotel to pick me up for our date. Our case finally finished up, it didn't end quite the way I'd like but the guy is in jail. "You look very handsome." I say to her, placing a kiss on her cheek.

I tell her about the case as we drive to the restaurant, she heard a lot about it on the news. Once we're seated at our table, our conversation gets deeper.

"Do you like your job? And the traveling aspect of it?" She asks, sipping her wine. "I love my job. I love being able to help people. I like traveling, but it's hard never being in once place for too long. It's hard to even think about a relationship." I say. I didn't mean to say the last part out loud.

"I could see that. I do like being home." She replies. "How's your work going?" I ask. "Same old stuff, nothing big has really happened honestly. It's only been small kitchen fires since you left.".

We talk a little longer about work, before she beings up something I've been meaning to ask her about. ".. my ex kinda ruined that for me." She says. "What happened between you two, if you don't mind me asking?" I say. "Only if you'll tell me about your exes." She replies, laughing.

She goes on telling me about how her ex worked at the station with her, and how everything was great until it wasn't. "How long has it been.. since you've been with her?" I ask. "About a year, we've hooked up since then but nothing bigger than that." She says.

We get to talking about my past relationships, all the men who have done me wrong. "My last relationship ended about a month ago, right before I saw you for the first time." I say, answering her question. "I've had my fair share of hookups since then but no one like you." I reply.

Mayas pov

Thank god she didn't think this was exclusive. I mean we never talked about it, I just figured we were both hooking up with other people. I want it to be exclusive, but how do I tell her that?

"I shouldn't even tell you this but, after we hooked up I was thinking about you with everyone else." I say, she smiles. "I'd have to say the same." She replies. Her hand is resting on my thigh.

We make our way back to her hotel room, thankfully she's not sharing a room this week. She's the only person I want to talk to, the only one who I actually want to hear about her day. I want to wake up with her, and have coffee with her everyday. Why does she have to live across the country?

We're both a little tipsy, and her hands on me feel so good, but I want her to know I want more. She places a gentle kiss on my lips. I want to kiss her again but I can't get this off my mind. "Carina" I say, trying not to look her in the eyes. "What's up?" She replies.

"I.. I want more with you. I don't just want sex I want everything. I'm falling for you... hard." I say. She just stares at me. "It's okay if you don't feel the same, I just need you to know what I'm feeling." I add. She moves closer to me, placing her hand in mine.

"Maya, I.. I want the same. I just can't think about it when we live this far away. I won't ever get to see you." She says. Is this her saying no? Before even thinking I say "I could move to Virginia. We can make this work." I sound fucking crazy.

"I'm never home. Every week I'm somewhere new." She says. "I'll wait for you." I say. "Maya I can't ask you to do that, we barely know each other." She replies. I put my head in my hands. I can't keep doing this without her.

I've only seen her twice and I know I can't live without her. But with her job and everything, fuck. "Can we just pretend I never said that, and keep on with our night? I don't want to waste a second; I don't know when I'm going to see you again." I say.

She nods. A single tear falling down her cheek. "Can I hug you?" I ask, to which she nods. It's nice hugging her, but it hurts to know what just happened. It hurts to know that we can't make this work.

"I'm sorry.. I.." she starts, wiping her mascara off her cheeks. "No need to apologize." I say, getting the last bit off her cheek. "Now, where were we?" She asks, smiling. "I think you were gonna kiss me?" I reply, smiling. "Right." She says before leaning in.

We didn't speak about it, but we're not having the same sex we had the first night. Tonight is about love, even if we can't make it work. I want to put my words into motion, she deserves that.

"You look so beautiful." I say between kisses. She smiles before moving to straddle my waist. Our kisses are soft, my hands are gentle on her body. She kisses down my neck, soothing each bite with her tongue.

If this is the last time I ever see her, at least I know we spent it well.

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