take me home

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Mayas pov

The team keeps me updated as they get to the house. My heart is in my stomach, waiting fucking sucks. My phone eventually rings, it's Emily. "Hey, we just cleared the property. No ones here, but she definitely was here. They must've got word that we left quantico." she says.

I knew it. I knew he would know, I knew they wouldn't find her this easy. "We're going to stay out here and look around, odds are he didn't go far." She adds. "Okay, thank you." I reply, hanging up.

Part of me can't believe it. She's been gone for about a week and a half. The other part of me, the part that tends to shut down in difficult situations knew this was coming. I head down to the gym in the building and get on the treadmill. I didn't plan on running, but it's all I can do to shut off the anxiety, the fear.

Carinas pov

Ian pulls over at a gas station and heads inside. I know this is my only time to do anything. Luckily he left his phone. I wait for about 30 seconds before reaching into his seat and grabbing it. I type in the only number I know by heart, Mayas.

Grey SUV, 495 Alexandria -C

I sent the text and deleted it from his phone immediately. I put his phone back exactly where I found it and lay back down in the back seat. Hopefully she can get that information to the team. For once I'm finally hopeful they'll find me.

Mayas pov

My phone buzzes after a few miles, it's from a number I don't have saved. I grab my phone and read it, it's Carina. I almost fell off the treadmill. I call Emily as fast as I can, waiting as the phone rings.

"Bishop we haven't found anything.." she starts but I cut her off. "She just send me a text." I say, "what?" She asks. "Okay im putting you on speaker, read it to us." She says. After a pause I repeat the text.

"Go see Garcia, she's in her office. Have her track the number and send it to us." Hotch says. I basically sprint back up the stairs. I wish I could reply, and tell Carina that we're coming. But I know it's not safe. I just wish I could tell her this will all be over soon.

My quads and burning as I reach her office door. "Garcia it's urgent" I say, knocking on her door. She lets me in and I fill her in. She tracks the number, it must be his. She sends the live location to the team and they head off.

Carinas pov

It's been half an hour since I sent the text. The team could save me any minute. He pulls over again, this time opening the door to the back. He shakes me awake, putting another pill in my mouth. This time he watches as I swallow it. It's a different one, it's not white and it's a lot larger.

"Where are we going Ian?" I ask, my voice breaking as he slams the door. "Go back to sleep deluca." He replies, driving off again.

I'm fighting the medication, it wants me to close my eyes, but I Can't. I know I need to stay awake incase the team gets here. After another couple minutes I can't seem to fight it anymore. I close my eyes and pray that when I wake up, I'll be in bed at home with Maya.

Emily's pov

We're right on his tail, but he has no clue. Hot Hotch wants us to wait until he pulls over, because he could lose us in a chase. We have  one car behind him, one Infront of him, and one further up the road.

After following him for another hour or so, he pulls over into a driveway. "Surround him, but don't shoot. We have a civilian to protect." Hotch says over the radio. We turn the lights on and park around him, essentially cornering him.

He stays in the vehicle, his window up. "Ian get out of the car." I yell, my gun pointed at him. He doesn't move a muscle. "We've got you surrounded, you're not escaping this time." Hotch says.

It hits me like a ton of bricks. He knows. He knew we were coming. We're trapped. "Hotch we gotta get him in custody as fast as possible, we know he's working with other people." I say over the radio.

"Get down" I hear Morgan yell as gunshots whizz past my head. As we all direct our attention to the two men in the house shooting at us, Ian takes the time to run from the vehicle. I'm not letting him go this time. I'm not sitting behind this gun and letting him get away with everything. I pull the trigger, hitting him in the leg.

He topples to the ground, blood pouring from him. I make my way over to him, cuffing him and applying pressure to the wound. Hotch and Morgan make their way into the house, taking down the two accomplices.

As I drag Ian into the car, I see Jennifer opening the door to the car. Carina is sprawled along the back seat, barely moving. "What the fuck did you do to her?" I ask, shoving him into the car. He doesn't say a word, I slam the door on him and lock it.

I rush over to Carina as Hotch brings the other two out of the house in cuffs. She's forcing her eyes open, trying to get herself out of the car. "The paramedics are almost here, can you wait a little longer?" I say to her, brushing the hair out of her face. She flinches at my hand, I should've thought about that before i moved so fast.

"Take me home" carina says quietly, a single tear falling down her cheek. "We are" I say, as the ambulance pulls up. "Maya?" She says, "she's at quantico, I'll call her and let her know you're okay." I say, moving out of the way for the EMT's.

They get her onto a gourney and into the ambulance. She gives me a look, and I know exactly what she wants. I hand the keys to the suv to Jennifer and get in the ambulance with her.

I hold out my hand to her, and she takes it. She grips it hard, before falling asleep again. I take that time to call Maya, letting her know we caught him, and Carina is on her way home.

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