Lost in the Chaos

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Tw/ abuse, trauma, etc
Carinas pov

It's only been a day and I'm already bored. I finished my paperwork. There's only so many places I can go in the house, I can't be seen from the outside.

I wonder what Maya is doing. I never told her about Interpol, or about Ian. I knew I wasn't strong enough to talk about it. The things he did to me.. it's something I can't even think about.

"Ian stop" I say, my face burning from the cuts and bruises he caused. "You see this? You did this to her." He says to the camera. It hurts even more to know that my team is watching. I try to signal with my hands, telling them I'm okay. I'm not, but I am.

He points the gun at my forehead. I can feel the cold metal against my temple. I don't even think I flinched. "Pull the trigger" I say, looking straight ahead. "You won't do it. Pull the trigger." I say, biting my lip. I know he won't kill me. It's worthless.

He scoffs and pulls the gun away. I feel relief, thinking he's finally stopping for the night. I was wrong. Fuck, was I wrong. He puts a blindfold on me, and I know what's coming next. My poor team. They have to watch him do this to me.

I shake out of the memory. Trying my best to not cry. Those six months were the worst in my life. I never felt safe, I never felt like I was going to live to see the next day.

It makes my heart drop to my stomach, knowing he's doing this to other women. Especially since he's doing it to taunt me, he knows I know.

I roll over in the bed, staring at the wall. The team isn't prepared for him. They don't know him like I do, they don't know what he's capable of. I told Emily to call Clyde, our old boss at Interpol. I'm sure they know he's back, but the FBI needs interpols help if they want to get close to Ian.

I have to stop thinking about Emily, but I can't. I can't believe they want to send her in. He knows her, and I know what he's capable of. To think she might experience even a sliver of what I did is terrifying. No one deserves that, especially her.

Mayas pov

It's been a slow day at the station, which sucks. I need something to get my mind off the fact that Carina is in danger. I can't stop thinking about what Emily said, what he did to her.

The klaxon finally goes off, and the team gets in the truck. It's a fire at a local bank, probably an arsonist. After you work with fire for a while, it's easy to know the differences between an accident and a purposeful fire. A bank is one of those places where accidents don't typically happen.

We arrive and I send my team in, the fire is in the vaults, of course it is. "Captain how long until the other station arrives? We can't put this out on our own." One of my lieutenants says. They need more bodies in there.

"They should be here within five. I'm coming in." I say, putting my mask and oxygen tank on. As I walk though the embers, I can't seem to find my team. I hear a beep, almost a chirping sound. My eyes scope the rubble, seeing a small red light along with the beeping. Fuck.

"DC fire 16, get out of the building immediately." I say, running through the embers to find my team. I count all but one of them coming out.

"Wilson this is Captain Bishop, radio your location." I say through the system. I hear no response. "Wilson, radio back." I say. Nothing.

I rummage through the embers, finally spotting her helmet. She must've been hit by the debris. I throw her over my shoulder and run out as fast as I can. The second I step out of the building, it explodes. I get thrown across the street, landing hard on the hot pavement. My ears are ringing, my body aching but I know I have to get up. I have to get Wilson to the EMT's.

I push with every muscle in my body, pain shooting through every inch of me. I rip my helmet off, and carry her to the paramedics.

The other station arrived finally. We work on putting out the fire, which was easier with more hands. After it's out, I sit on the curb across the street.

"Captain Bishop, the FBI would like to speak with us." My chief says, offering me a hand. "You alright?" He asks as I get up. "Yeah, I'll get checked out after." I reply.

I should've known it was him. A bank fire? He must know about me. We head into their van, Carinas boss in the front next to another man I've never met.

"Captain Bishop, this is Clyde, head of Interpol." Hotchner says, I shake his hand. "I'm sure you've already figured out this was the work of the same man we're looking for. I'm assuming he's found you through Carina." Clyde says.

"I thought he was a serial killer, why is he bombing banks?" My chief asks. "It's much more personal than that. He's going after one of our agents, and he'll do anything to take everything from her." Hotch says.

Heading people talk about her like this, it's terrifying. It almost makes me not care about the fact that he just tried to kill me.

"Since he already knows more than we thought, we're pulling DeLuca from witness protection. We're going to keep both of you, as long as Prentiss in quantico with high level security" hotch adds.

"What about my station?" I ask, looking out the window to see them sitting on the curb waiting for me. "I'll take over while you're gone." My chief says.

This has become too real. It's too much. I can't calm down, I can't take a breath without thinking about Carina.

Carinas pov

I get a message from Hotch on my burner that says an agent will be outside to bring me to quantico. I'm not sure why, but I know something must've happened. I peek out the window and see an fbi van pull up.

I grab my bag and head to the van, getting in the back. The driver starts the drive to quantico. Something isn't right here. We stop at a red light and he turns around, "it's been a while Carina, how are you?" I hear. It's him. It's Ian.

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