Chapter 1. It's birth

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One day there was a little girl born. Doctors were confused because she was born with long black hair. Her mother had short black hair while her father had a medium length of brown hair. The doctor took multiple tests on the little girl due to her having the long hair.

There wasn't anything they could find that caused it. they were confused. They asked her mother Stella. "Have you had any diseases..? That have to do with.. Hair".. ? The doctor said. "No.. I've never had any diseases before" The doctor raised an eyebrow. Completely confused as to why the babys hair was so long.

The Mother Stella was worried due to them not knowing anything about it.. Soon or enough a few minutes passed and they couldn't figure out why the babys hair was so long.. Until the baby opened her eyes. She hadn't opened her eyes when she was born. But once she opened them they saw pure black eyes.

The doctors eyes widened when they saw her eyes. "WHAT THE HELL"!? Said Nurse 1. Nurse 2 gave a disgusted look. " I don't know what's wrong with your baby m'am".. Said doctor the doctor. Stella gave a sad look. She looked from the doctor to her baby. The father Mark sat in a chair across the room giving a sad look to Stella "We still need to name her".. Said Mark.

Stella glanced to Mark giving a slight smile. "Your right.. She's our baby after all".. Stella said looking to the baby. She started to try and think on what name she should choose. Mark stared for a moment. Stella looked to Mark. "Have you thought of anything"..? Stella asked. Mark looked to her. "hm.. I guess we could go with Elizabeth"

Stella's eyes lit up when he said that. "That's a perfect name"! She replied. Mark smiled at her. "Alright" Stella looked over to the doctor. The other 2 exited the room. The doctor looked to Stella. "You can leave in a second. I'll be right back" The doctor said before turning away and exiting the room.

As the doctor left the room Stella turned to look at Mark. Stella smiled at him. Mark smiled back. Stella then looked to her baby. Elizabeth's eyes we're closed and it seemed she was asleep. Stella gave a nervous look. "So her eyes are black"..? Stella said frowning. "Hey.. It's alright.. She may have been born with a rare condition".. Mark replied.

Stella looked to Mark and smiled. I guess your right. The doctor then suddenly opened the door. "Your free to leave".. Mark stood up. Stella stayed laying in her bed. Mark then walked to the doctor. "Is she able to come out today..? Or tomorrow"..? Mark asked the doctor. "Tomorrow. At 8:09" The doctor replied. "Alright".. Mark said walking past the doctor exiting the room.

The doctor looked to Stella. "You'll be out by tomorrow" Stella nodded as the doctor turned away walking out and closing the door. Stella looked to her baby. "Aw. She's adorable".. Stella said before resting her head on her pillow and closing her eyes.

Elizabeth.. Eyeball LoverWhere stories live. Discover now