Chapter 3. There dead

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Elizabeth's hair slowly moved towards Stella.. Stella's eyes widened in fear as she didn't know what to do. Elizabeth's hair soon touched Stella's eyes.. And right in the moment.. Stella screaming in agony. Elizabeth's hair dug into Stella's eyes. Blood splattered all over the walls and floor.. "AHHHH"! Stella screamed in fear, And agony. Soon her eyes were taken out. Now in Elizabeth's hair being held up. Blood slowly dripped from the eyes. Stella's eyes.. Elizabeth thought they were beautiful.. As she held them in her hair slowly moving them towards her and putting them in her hands. She stared at them in awe as Stella continued to scream a she held her face.. Stella slowly bled out falling to the ground crying and screaming.. Soon there were heavy footsteps coming towards the door. Mark swung the door open. "WHAT HAPPENE"- Mark paused falling to the ground staring in horror. Tears flowed down his face as he scooted himself away. "Y-Your a monster".. Mark muttered. Elizabeth slowly turned her head to Mark.. Her gaze right on his eyes..

Elizabeth kept holding Stella's eyes before she turned to Mark. Her hair then slowly went upwards. Then suddenly sprang out towards Mark at incredible speeds. As Mark screamed blood splattered everywhere. Elizabeth tore his eyes out easily. Stella lay motionless on the ground.. Blood was everywhere. Mark then lifted his hand grabbing his face. "MY EYES! MY EYES"!! Mark screamed in agony. Blood dripped on the floor aggressively. Elizabeth's hair slowly moved back to her as she put out her hands. Marks eyes dropped into her hands. She held both of their eyes staring at them in awe. "Wow.. There so beautiful".. Elizabeth said.. Mark clenched his eyes blood flowing everywhere. "W-WHAT!? YOUR A BABY! HOW CAN YOU TALK"!? Mark said before making a gagging noise spitting out blood. "Me..? A baby..? No.. No i'm not".. Elizabeth said getting a slight angry and aggressive look on her face.

Mark clenched his teeth. "YES YOU A-ARE"! Mark said before spitting more blood and falling to the side. He bled out now laying motionless on the ground just like Stella. Elizabeth looked back to their eyes. Completely ignoring what Mark said. She then lifted her hands putting the eyes in her hair. They stayed in place as some of her hair wrapped around the eyes keeping them in place. There was a bit of blood dripping onto her face from the eyes. But she ignored it. Elizabeth then grabbed the edge of the crib pushing herself up. Putting a leg up on the edge then pushing herself. Her hair then quickly sprang at the ground. Her hair then got a sturdy foot on the ground as Elizabeth got out of the crib being caught by her hair. Then she walked towards the door. She thought she was walking but it was actually her hair walking for her.

Elizabeth stood on her tippy toes and reached her hand up to the door knob. She couldn't reach it. "Wow.. I really am a baby".. Elizabeth said as she put down her hand and her hair slowly inched up grabbing the door knob and turning it. The door then swung open as Elizabeth inched out towards the small hallway. She looked around seeing one door that was closed. And another that was open. She slowly got on the ground on all fours and started crawling towards the opened door. When she got into the doorway she looked around the room. She saw a queen bed, A bathroom, A walk in closet, A dresser, A TV, A gray rug, and 2 night stands on each side with lamps. All the rest was all of Mark and Stella's stuff organized in the room. Elizabeth noticed that this was probably their room. She then slowly turned back towards the hallway. Looking across the room towards that door. She then crawled towards the door slowly as her hair almost instantly sprang towards the door turning the door knob as the door swung open.

Elizabeth stopped for a moment looking up at the door. She then kept crawling. The light was out. But she was able to make out some of the shapes and figures of the stuff in this room. She almost immediately noticed the toilet. "Oh this is a bathroom".. She said as she turned away and started crawling towards the stairs. Elizabeth stared down the stairs. She couldn't get down them. So her hair reached towards the ground and slowly slipped under her feet. Elizabeth fell to the ground letting out a small. "Epp".. Her hair then pushed itself with Elizabeth and slid down the stairs. Just like a slide. Elizabeth went "Weeee" As she flew down the stairs. Soon reaching the end with a small thud. But a safe landing. Elizabeth smiled as her hair went into the air and flowed on the ground. Elizabeth then got on all fours and started to crawl towards the front door. She had a bright smile. But then it soon faded as she realized she couldn't walk "How do I even get around"..? Elizabeth said. 

Her hair then slammed at the ground and got a sturdy foot on the ground. Elizabeth slowly got lifted up. Her hair now becoming feet for her. Elizabeth smiled. "Well that should do it" She said before a piece of her hair sprang towards the door knob twisting it as the door swung open. Elizabeth hissed lifting her hands and covering her face as the sun shined at her. "AHHHH"! She said. A piece of her hair lifted up covering the top of her head. Elizabeth took a deep breath dropping her hands. "Stupid sun".. Elizabeth said giving a pouty face. But then it turned into a bright smile as someone walked past her.. And yes... They had eyes.. Elizabeth stared as her eyes followed the persons movements. She slapped herself. "No!  can't take their eyes i'm in public"! Elizabeth muttered under her breath before her hair started to slowly move. Her hair was now walking for her as Elizabeth didn't have to do any moving whatsoever. 

Elizabeth had this bright smile on her face as she flew across the side walk. So many people with different colored eyes were walking past her. She then remembered that her parents eyes were still in her hair. They were covered up though. Elizabeth looked upward. Her eyes still pure black. "I. Want. New. Eyes". Elizabeth said in a demanding voice. Her hair then moved her into a small gap between a few buildings. Then gently setting her onto the ground. Elizabeth immediately put her hands out. Her hair opened in a small space as her mother and fathers eyes fell into her hands. "Hmm".. Elizabeth said trying to choose between the eyes. Mark her fathers eyes were light brown. While her mothers were blue. "Eh.. Blues better".. Elizabeth said setting the eyes to the side as her hair quickly caught them. Elizabeth then lifted her hand grabbing her eyes.. She started to slowly pull them out as blood splattered everywhere and blood dripped. 

Soon Elizabeth got her eyes out. She then held them in her hands. "Such plain eyes".. She said before setting them on the ground as her hair grabbed them. The brown eyes and her pure black eyes were hidden in her hair now. But the blue ones weren't. Elizabeth then gently grabbed both of the eyes. She first lifted one hand and slowly inserted one of the eyes. She wiggled it around a bit some blood flowing. But soon she got it in place.. Somehow she could move her pupils and everything.. But she then lifted her other hand before inserting her other eyeball. Soon the eye was in place. It now seemed as if they were her normal eyes except for the blood running down her face. "I gotta get the blood washed off" Elizabeth said before her hair immediately got a sturdy foot on the ground and started to walk towards a small bathroom. Soon entering. Elizabeth inched towards the sink before finally getting to it. She turned the handle as water flowed. She started to wipe the blood from her face  before there was nothing left. 

There soon wasn't anymore blood on her face. Elizabeth exited the bathroom. She looked upward at the sky. "Wow it's getting dark".. Elizabeth said before she looked back down. She started walking to random places. She had just now started to walk around. Trying to find a place to stay. She knew that if she killed anyone she could take their home. But she had to figure out if their eyes were pretty. No one seemed to be out at this hour though. Elizabeth noticed.. She needs to take someones legs.. As Elizabeth thought this her hair started to float as the other half kept her in the air. Elizabeth stayed in the place she was in. Waiting for someone to walk by. While she was waiting she started to rip her legs off with her nails.. soon both of them off.. She gave a emotionless look. Just waiting.. Before someone finally walked by. Elizabeth's eyes glittered as her hair almost immediately sprang at the person. The person screamed as there legs were ripped off and blood flowed and splattered everywhere. And the legs were very clean and smooth.. 

And immediately the legs were attached to Elizabeth. And her thighs merged together with the legs. The cut in between separating the limbs wasn't there anymore. The legs were pretty long to. Like a child's legs but a bit longer. Elizabeth seemed tall.. But she needed to emerge her arms.. Elizabeth then lifted her arms as they emerged.. She didn't even need another's arms.. She could emerge hers on her own. As her arms got longer pure black nails formed. Her nails weren't to long though. They could very much kill somebody though. Elizabeth smiled seemingly happy. She dropped her arms as her hair stopped floating. Her hair was very long so it still hit the ground. But it couldn't help her stand anymore. But then Elizabeth started walking down the sidewalk. In search for a place to stay. And just exploring.

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