Chapter 4. Taker

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Elizabeth walked around for a place to stay for the night. There wasn't anywhere she could go. Elizabeth had a baggy T- shirt on that she had stolen from a man she killed while she was walking. Elizabeth was annoyed from how much people wouldn't take her in. Her anger had been rising more and more she was about to kill multiple people. She wanted more eyes for her collection anyways so what was the harm? Elizabeth thought about it and now wanted to take more eyes. 

Elizabeth walked on the side walk as her long black hair slid across the ground. She had a scowl on her face still not able to find anywhere to stay. Anger. Now she felt guilty for killing her parents because they would have been the only people she could stay with. They wouldn't abandon their own daughter.. Right..? Elizabeth knew that there wasn't any time to think about this. She was hungry, upset, And unpleased. Elizabeth felt like shit. She kept walking looking around. She saw lots of houses. She had to decide witch doors to knock on. "Hmmm".. Said Elizabeth as she looked at each house. She wanted to make sure she got the people with pretty eyes. She needed more for her collection. Her plan was to stay with somebody then kill them in the morning. 

Elizabeth spotted a light blue house. She stared at it for a moment before inching towards it. "I'm gonna try this one".. She mumbled before knocking on the door. She stood there waiting for a response. And luckily someone opened the door. They had long blonde hair to their stomach. And hazel green eyes. Beautiful eyes! Elizabeth thought to herself. "Yes..? what do you need"..? Elizabeth looked at the girl. "I'm searching for a place to stay.. I have nowhere to go.. Can I.. Please stay with you"..? Elizabeth said in a sad voice. She had to keep her act up if she wanted to get anywhere. The person went silent for a good moment. "hmm.. Sure".. Elizabeth was surprised that she took her in with no hesitation. Elizabeth's eyes lit up. "Yay! Thank you so much"! 

"mhm.. Whats your name"..? The girl asked. Elizabeth paused for a moment. "Eh- It's Elizabeth." Elizabeth said. "Hm. My names kisha." Said Kisha. Elizabeth nodded. "Come in." Kisha said opening the door and stepping aside so Elizabeth could come inside. Elizabeth put her foot up stepping up into the house. She looked around. "Your house.. It's beautiful." Elizabeth said keeping up her act even though she thought it looked disgusting. "Hm.. Thanks.." Kisha said before she shut the door and walked to the kitchen. "Ya hungry"..? Kisha asked. Elizabeth looked toward her and nodded. "Hm alright." Kisha said as she opened the fridge and searched for some food. "What do you want to eat.."? Kisha asked. Elizabeth put her hand on her chin trying to think on what she wanted. 

"Hmm.." Elizabeth muttered. She didn't really know. She thought about it then came up with something. "Any type of meat.. if you have some.." Elizabeth said. Kisha looked at her with a weird look clearly confused on why she just wanted meat. "Alright then.." Kisha said as she grabbed a bag from her fridge. She closed the fridge setting the bag on the counter and opening a drawer grabbing a knife and a fork. She then closed the drawer. She set the knife and fork on the counter and opened a cabinet grabbing a plate. She closed the cabinet turning around. She set it on the table next to the bag. She looked at Elizabeth. "Do you want it cooked.. Or want it cold.."? She asked. Elizabeth looked at her weirdly. What a weird question. Elizabeth thought. "Cooked." Elizabeth said. 

"Alright." Said Kisha. Kisha opened the bag revieling a small amount of meat. It was chicken. Kisha opened the microwave and put the small amount of chicken into it. She then closed the microwave. Setting the timer on it for how long it needed to bake. She then. grabbed the fork and knife setting them on the table. Then grabbing the bag and opening the fridge putting it back in. It had a lot of chicken left. Kisha closed the fridge as the timer went off. Kisha looked at the microwave opening it. She took the chicken out as it steamed. She closed the microwave and set the chicken on the table. She put the knife and fork beside the plate. "Here ya go." Kisha said as she looked up at Elizabeth. Elizabeth stared at the chicken before inching towards it. Her mouth watered. She hadn't eaten in awhile. 

Elizabeth soon was right in front of the plate of chicken. Kisha took a step away and watched as Elizabeth started to devour the chicken. She quickly grabbed the chicken and shoved a piece in her mouth. She chewed then shoved another piece in her mouth. She didn't use the fork or knife. She just moved them away. Soon Elizabeth finished the chicken. Kisha stared with a slight disgusted face. Elizabeth wiped her mouth with her greasy hands. Elizabeth looked at Kisha. Kishas expression changed as Elizabeth looked at her. "Wow.. Your must've been hungry." Kisha said. Elizabeth nodded. She stood straight looking at her hands. "Yeah your hands are greasy.." Kisha said before she leaned over grabbing the plate. She put it in the sink and turned the handle. Water started to flow from the faucet.

"Here wash your hands.." Kisha said. Elizabeth looked over to her. Then to the faucet. "Oh.. How do I do that.."? Elizabeth asked. "You.. don't know how.. to wash you hands.."? Kisha said. "Yeah I don't.." Elizabeth responded. Kisha then said "Alright then.. look.." Kisha put her hands under the water. "First you do this." She then put one of her hands under the soap dispenser. Soap flowed onto her hands. "Then rub your hands together." She said as she rubber her hands together. Getting the soap on her hands. "Then wash them off." She said as she put her hands under the water washing them. She moved her hands around as the soap flowed off her hands. She then took her hands away and wiped them on a towel. "Now you do that." Kisha said. Elizabeth looked at Kisha then at the sink. Elizabeth put her hands under the water. She then put them under the soap dispenser. Soap flowed on her hands.

She then moved them away from the soap dispenser rubbing her hands together as the soap went all over her hands. Some dripping into the sink. She then put her hands under the water and moved them around a the soap flowed off her hands. She then moved her hands away from the water and wiped them off with a towel. She then took a step away from the sink and looked at her hands. "You did it.. Just turn off the sink afterward." Kisha said moving her hand and turning the handle as the water stopped flowing. Kisha then looked at Elizabeth. She looked towards the window. "Hm.. It's getting late." She said as she raised her arm and looked at her watch. "It's 11:30." She said. She dropped her arm looking at Elizabeth. "Are you tired.."? Kisha asked. "Yeah." Elizabeth said. Elizabeth was pretty tired. Her eyes were droopy and she had bags under her eyes from staying up the past nights. 

"Alright.. You'll have to sleep on the couch.. Are you ok with that.."? Kisha asked. Elizabeth nodded. She really wasn't though. She didn't want to sleep. She wanted to take Kishas eyes. But she needed to keep up the act until Kisha went to sleep. Kisha walked to the couch and grabbed a blanket and a pillow. She set the pillow up in a comfortable position. And laid the blanket down. "Come here." Kisha said as she motioned her hand for Elizabeth to come to her. Elizabeth slowly walked to Kisha before getting to her. "Here. You can sleep here." Kisha said. She then turned away and walked to a door that was closed. She looked to Elizabeth. "And i'll be in here if you need me.. Night." Kisha said before she opened the door. She stepped into the room and turned back to Elizabeth. "Night.." Elizabeth said. Kisha then closed the door. Kisha wasn't in Elizabeth's view anymore. Elizabeth got on the couch and crawled under the covers. She then laid down. 

I'll be taking your eyes tonight. Thought Elizabeth. Goodnight.

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