School's All Over Me

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I picked up my Automatic-Curls set and placed it on my long golden brown hair.
"One!" I say.
"Excelentes rizos amor!" Natalie, my best friend tells me.
We've been best friends since Elementary when she moved here in Texas from Cozumel about 4 years ago. She fluently speaks English and Spanish.
"Gracias... amigo?" I reply.
"Ayyyyeeeee you catching on Elise!"
Natalie's been attempting to teach me some Spanish, it's a challenge.
"GIRLS! I'm ready hurry." my mother yells from downstairs, she drives us to school.
Natalie's tight-curled black hair catches in the door as she gets in.
"OWWWW!" she yelps and starts rambling in Spanish, "OUCH Mierda ¿por qué es la puerta de ser estúpido ow ow ow!!"
I couldn't stop laughing!
"Hey mom we're picking up Abigail so take a left," I say.
Abigail and I have known each other since birth because our moms are really close. She has a naturally curly fake-blonde sort of hair.
First period was Science with Mr. Grover, you could only wish to get out of his class.
My phone buzzed.

hey, did you hear what brianne did yesterday! - Abigail
yeah! disgusting. - Natalie
Confused I replied to the group chat,
what happened? what'd she do? - Elise
so get this.. her and austin were in Mrs. Tracy's math class at lunch, everyone was gone so the room was empty, and omg what a slut. - Natalie
they had....!?! - Elise
NOOO! he uh 'pirated' her.. -Abigail
you mean he .. -Elise
yep. -Natalie
ugh I hate brianne -Elise

"Excuse me Madam (maa-dum)," Mr. Grover approaches Abigail's (who was sitting ahead of Nat and I) desk, "hand me your phone please."
"What phone?" she says.
I see her hands behind her back trying to find a pocket.
"The phone behind your back," Mr. Grover replies annoyed.
Slip, the phone slides in a pocket, Abigail brings her hands in front of her,
"I don't have a phone, Sir."
"Abigail we have been over this, don't waste class time for students who actually try to learn."
Meanwhile Natalie and I are hiding our phones in our binders where the agenda-folder is.
"Poor Abigail," Natalie whisper-laughs to me.
Abi just stays silent looking into Mr. Grovers dead-brown eyes.
"I'm not going to say it ag-"
"Alright fine!" she snaps interrupting him.
She reaches behind her, pulls out her phone, and hands it to him.
"You'll get it at the end of the day."
I can tell she is mimicking him with ugly face expressions. I laugh and she turns around with a death-glare, I sarcastically pretend that I wasn't laughing and she smiles like she couldn't contain the seriousness, and turns back around.
"Careful," Natalie whispers, "She gon' getchoo one day."
I turn the other direction smiling and pretend to copy down Mr. Grovers notes.

By the time it was lunch, Abi was going insane without her phone. I had to lend mine to her so she could check all social-media apps known to mankind. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Ask.Fm ... you name it! She has it.
I jumped into the backseat of my brothers car, and so did Nat and Abi.. to find him making out with Sharla, his girlfriend.
"Aaahhhh eew!" we covered our eyes.
"Did you skip?!" I criticized.
"Maybe." he says.
"Cmon you're suppose to be the older sibling, you know.. the responsible one who sets a good example!" I lecture.
"Yeah, West!" Natalie joins in.
Ignoring the criticism he asks,
"Where to?"
Since my brother has his license he takes us to fast food places every lunch.
"Taco's Pronto," Natalie answers immediately.
"Really!" Abi sighs, "we had your Mexican stuff yesterday."
"Ya we did," I agree.
"Lets do Starbucks." Abi suggests.
"Done, Deal!" I agree again.
Disappointed Natalie looks out the window and mumbles Spanish curse words.
"Que las chicas estúpidas y Starbucks no quieren pronto taco!"
"There there," I pat her back, "All will be ok."
She shakes me off. My brother starts the truck but of course he has to feel her lips again before we head off.
"Ah! Cmon we are going to be late!"
"You really need to get a license Elise," Abi notifies me as if I don't know.
"Yeah what about you?!" I reply.
No answer. That's right.

At the end of the day, we head to the office to claim Abi's phone.
"Oh, my babbaaayy!" she logs onto her phone and is zoned out the ride home.
My mom pulls up to her house,
"Au revoir!"
"Mom, she's not the Spanish one..... and that's FRENCH!" I say laughing.
Abigail exits the car and I slap her butt.
"See you tomorrow chicka!" Natalie yells.
"Oh," mom mumbles and pulls out of the driveway, turning left and driving straight.
I collapse on my bed and exhale for like 10 seconds.
"Are you done yet?" Natalie drops her bag on the floor and opens the closet door.
"Todays Friday right?" I ask.
"How do you not count down the days to Friday!" she questions and puts her hands on her hips as if I'm some crazy lady.
"I'll take that as a yes.." I sit up from laying down on the bed, "finally a weekend!"
Natalie pulls out a short baby-blue dress from the closet and asks,
"What about this one?"
"Whats the occasion?" I say as I walk over to the shower and turn the notch to mid-cold.
No answer.

I turn off the shower and walk out from the bathroom.
"TONIGHT IS ABIGAIL'S 16th BIRTHDAY!!" Natalie startles me.
I grab my chest and yell "HOLY SHIT! Don't do that!"
"How could you forget?!" she face palms herself and puts the blue dress back.
"Uh.. I didn't. Her birthday's NEXT Friday," I say walking over to the calendar, "or this Friday..." I look at todays date.
I turn around to see Natalie with crossed arms and a "Mmmhmm whatcha gonna do now sweetheart" look.
Nat clears her throat,
"Correction.." she says, "YOU have too, I already did all that!"
"Great," I say, "just great."
Hey guys that was basically an introduction of everything, I will do my best to update at least twice a week or more because I hate when stories are unfinished or never updated! So yes, tell me what you think. This was a really bad start, but trust me it gets a lot better.. I'm not good at making strong starts of stories to get you interested but keep reading for it to get a lot better.

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