"It was YOU?"

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Natalie's POV:
"We changed our minds about the present's," Shayla says.
"How come?" I ask.
"My Aunt came up with a good idea!" Abigail smiles.
"It's a scavenger hunt," Alyssa smirks.
She hands us a list of items:
empty silly string can
toilet paper
empty spray paint can
"What kind of scavenger hunt is this?!" Elise questions.
"A fun one," Shayla smiles.
"You guys have one hour!" Alyssa says, "since it's 9:23 you have until 10:23."
"Rules are you can't come back before your time limit," Abigail warns us.
"And you have to find all the items by the dumpster,"
"What?!" Marelyn says in disbelief.
"What's on your guys' list?!" I ask.
"Don't worry about it," Abigail turns us around, "now go!"
"Your time starts," Alyssa looks at her phone, "now!"
We all walk out the door, and I look back to see them in the window watching us.
"Somethings up," I say in an assuring voice.
"I agree," Rebecca looks back, "they're watching us."
"I bet they don't even have a list," Elise says.
"They probably want to get rid of us for an hour," I cross my arms.
"To do what?" Marelyn asks.
"Probably set up a prank or something," Elise frowns.
"Well let's just be ready for it," I suggest.

In 15 minutes, we found all the items. We didn't exactly find them in the dumpster though. We bought them all.
"Well lets dump the cans out," Rebecca says, "the list says empty cans, right?"
"Yep," I answer.
"Well instead of wasting it, why don't we have a little fun since we still have like 45 minutes," Elise shrugs.
"Great idea!" Marelyn agreed.
It was chaotic, we were spraying silly string everywhere and spray painted our clothes since we pretended to change into nasty clothes for the dumpster.
Abigail's POV:
"I didn't expect for them to fall for it that easy," I laugh.
"Once a blonde always a blonde," Shayla says.
"Ok I'm still confused," Alyssa asks.
"Omg how stupid can you be?!" I say, "ok, when they're gone we're gunna trash Brianne's condo with the items we told the others to get.. and when Brianne sees it we'll tell her Natalie and them did it when we tried to stop them... but when they deny it, we have proof because they have empty spray cans, silly string, toilet paper.. you know?"
"Ohhhhhh!" Alyssa gets it, "but isn't it your aunties condo? Won't she be mad?"
"Mad at them, not me.." I answer, "it's the perfect plan."

We went to Brianne's condo and saw she was gone.
"Perfect," Shayla says, "hand me the silly string."
I did as asked and we all went in and sprayed it everywhere. On beds, the window, door, floor, ceiling, lamps, mirrors, anything! We then went outside and threw toilet paper rolls in the trees and on the balcony... after that we got the spray cans and wrote
we were here
you'll never catch us
All over the outside walls.

"Hand me the glue," Shayla orders.
"I think that's enough," I say.
"Do you want to get Natalie back or not?!" she asked.
"I don't even know if she said that," I start to remember, "you might of heard wrong."
"Oh so you don't trust me?!" Shayla yells.
"No, no!" I say, "I trust you its just-"
"Then hand me the glue," she ordered.
I gave her the glue and she poured it on the front porch, it was clear glue.

"GUYS!" Alyssa whisper yells, "Brianne alert! Brianne alert! She's back!"
We all ran into the house and made sure we were clean.
And that's when I heard the loudest scream I've EVER heard in my entire life!
I saw Auntie run outside to see what's wrong.
"Oh. My. Heavens!" My aunt cried out, "what on earth!!"
I immediately felt really bad, but this had to be done.
"Who did this?!" she covered her mouth in disbelief.
"I don't know," Brianne says, "but where am I suppose to sleep for the next two days! I payed for this."
"Did you do this?!" My aunt turns towards me, Alyssa and Shayla.
"Absolutely not! Why on earth would I," I cry, "this is... horrible!"
"I am so sorry for your condo," Shayla said with concern.
Wow she's really good at acting.
"Whoever did this should be seriously punished," Shelby chews her gum.
My Auntie walks towards her house, "follow me girls."
I walked toward Brianne who was following my aunt.

"I know who did this," I whispered to her, "and I know why."
"Really?" she whispered back interested, "why?"
"If I tell you, you promise to help me get revenge over them?"
"Totally, I'm like seriously pissed right now," she whispers.
Meanwhile Shayla was telling this to Caitlyn and Shelby, and Alyssa was telling Katie.
"Natalie, Elise, Marelyn and Rebecca did this intentionally to attempt to get you introuble from my aunt," I lie, "they wanted you to get kicked out!"
"Are you KIDDING ME?" Brianne, Shelby, Caitlyn and Katie say simultaneously.
"We have to pretend we don't know," Alyssa warns them.
"Deal," they say.
"It'll get them in more trouble," Shayla smiles deviously.

They all grin. When we went into the house we all went back to looking worried and mad. Brianne, Shelby, Caitlyn, and Katie sat down on the couch and Alyssa, Shayla and I stayed standing as my aunt paced around the house wondering what to do.
"Ok, who did it?!" she stops walking.
We all looked at her blankly.
I looked at the clock and it read 10:21. They'll be here any minute. Don't give in Don't give in Don't give in I think to myself.
And that's when they walked in, with spray paint on themselves, silly string in their hair, and bags of empty cans.
I look over to everyone and grin.
Natalie's POV:
"Should we clean ourselves up first?" I ask.
"Probably," Rebecca shrugs, "but we're suppose to be back and they'll be suspicious."
"Yeah but whatever prank they have set up for us will probably result in us getting dirty anyway," Elise suggests.
"And that's probably why they wanted us to change into dirty clothes because they didn't want to ruin our clothes," Marelyn states.
"They didn't actually want us to get these things," Rebecca says, "they just wanted to prank us so they won't care we cheated."
"True," Elise agreed.
We walked into the house to have Shelby's, Brianne's, Caitlyn's, Katie's, Shayla's, Alyssa's, Abigail's, and most importantly her Aunties eyes on us.

"It was YOU?!" Abigail's aunt yells furiously.
Continuing in next chapter. Why is Abigail being so bad? Do you think everyone will stay friends after this? Will Natalie find out about Shayla lying to Abigail to make them separate? Will Abigail and Natalie ever be friends again? Is Brianne gunna do anything? Next chapters gunna be a whole lot.

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