Abi's Weekend.. or Brianne's?!

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Abigail's POV:
We put our bathing suites on, and went up to the roof where the pool was.
"What in the world is BRIANNE doing here?!" Rebecca whispers to us, pointing down to the ground where Brianne, Katie, Caitlyn and Shelby were exiting a vehicle.
"No," I turn around shaking my head, "NO NO NO NO!!!!"
By now all the girls were coming up to see.

"Ohhh myyy hahahaahahah!!!" Brianne says looking up at us.
"Shit!" Alyssa whispers, "she saw us."
"I'd like to see things from your point of view," Brianne shouts, "but I can't get my head that far up my ass!"
Then all her little bitch followers laughed.
"HEY BRIANNE!" Natalie yells, "the smartest thing ever to come out of your mouth was a penis!"
"Oooooohhhh!" we all said and high-fived, "good one."
"Aww, it's so cute when you try to talk about things you don't understand!" Shelby replies and gets high-fives and "ooohhss."
"They're imitating us," Gracie smirks, "so mature."
"Shelby, If you bitched anymore I would think it was that time of the month for you!" I snap back.
"If it was my time of the month I wouldn't be wearing these $300 white pants bitch!" she screams as Katie slaps her ass.
"Unlike you guys in you're 10 buck Wal-Mart bathing suites!" Caitlyn puts her bag down.
"Atleast my make-up doesn't look like it was applied by a bunch of four-year-olds learning how to finger paint," Marelyn smirks.
Caitlyn grew furious.
"Aweh," I say, "are you goin to throw a bitch-fit? Maybe if you ate some of that makeup you could be pretty on the inside."
"If your face was on fire, I would stomp it out, and that would be an improvement," Brianne backed up Caitlyn.
"I bet you were up all night trying to come up that one," Elise smirks.
"Brianne, hold on!" Shayla says sarcastically, "I'll go find you a tampon."
"If you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart," Shelby replies, "otherwise you're just an ass."
And with that, they started to walk away.
"It's pointless to make fun of you because it will take you the rest of the day to figure it out," Natalie yells after them.

"What is Brianne doing in PUERTO VALLARTA, on MY birthday, OF ALL PLACES," I complain.
"Yeah that is like a MAJOR coincedence," Becca agrees.
We all throw on our wraps over our bathing suites and go downstairs to my Auntie.
"WHY are you renting out one of your condos on MY birthday Auntie!" I complain.
"What's the problem? You know I rent them out," she answers.
"Yes but why another group of teenagers!" I start to tear up.
"Oh dear, what's the matter?"
"Nothings the matter.. other than the fact those group of girls are like hmmm only our ARCH ENEMIES," Alyssa face palms herself.
"Well I can't just kick them out.. they payed for the whole weekend!" Auntie replies.
"THE WHOLE WEEKEND?!" I burst out crying, "my birthday is ruined, RUINED!"
"There there Abi," everyone comforts me, "it'll be ok if we ignore them."
"Why here, and now, WHY!" I question, "All the way in Puerto Vallarta.. and they still seem to be beside us."
"This was our away from them weekend in some sort of a way," Gracie sighs.
"Ok, I'm sorry girls!" my aunt shouts, "how was I suppose to know?!"
"It's not your fault," I cheer up, "you didn't know."

We went back up to the roof and took the wraps off. By now it was 9:00pm.
"Look at the beautiful sunset!" Shayla pointed to the horizon.
"It's gorgeous," Marelyn gazed.
"Like you," Shayla turns towards her.

Shayla's POV:
Shit. Did I just say that. Out loud. I could feel my face turn red. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME! I thought I saw Marelyn blush for a second.
"Ok, let's all hold hands and jump in!" Abigail breaks the awkward silence.
I grabbed Marelyn's hand because she was beside me. Then Marelyn took ahold of Gracie, Gracie to Elise, Elise to Natalie, Natalie to Abi, Abi to Rebecca, Rebecca to Alyssa. We all gave each other a smile.
"One," Abigail speaks.
"Two," Elise says.
"THREE!" Rebecca pulls everyone down.
As we all fall in, everyones hands break apart.. except for Marelyn's and mine.
We rose above the water and looked each other in the eyes again. Why does it feel so.. right. I feel complete. This isn't normal. It's never happened with me before, especially with a.. girl! I'm straight, there is no possible way I have feelings for a girl.. for my friend! Marelyn. Even if I did, I doubt she has any. She hangs out with Rebecca and guys. This is wrong.
I pull away, releasing our hands and dive into the water.

Marelyns POV:
Rebecca pulled us all down, and we all fell breaking apart. But Shayla's hands still held mine and I felt so fulfilled. I seriously experienced a new feeling, something none like others. I've accepting my feelings for Shayla a long time ago.. though it was hard. How often is it you develop a crush on your friend! We rose above the water, with interlocked hands.. it was perfect. The sun was setting, and our eyes were a magnet. Does she like me? For a second it came across my mind that she might actually like me back.. but that's when her eyes grew mysterious.. and she dove into the water. My heart sank, it was like going from everything, to nothing.

Rebecca's POV:
"Woops!" I say as I jump up from underwater, "nobody was saying three!"
"I got water in my eyes you little shit!" Elise sarcastically yells at me and rubs her eyes.
I splashed her.
"HEY!" she screamed.
"Now you aren't lying," I smirk and dive down into the water.
Something yanked my foot, then my arm, and my leg! I was pulled up to find all the girls holding me above the water.
"One!" Alyssa shouts.
"Two!" Gracie yells.
"Wa-way-way-way-wait!" I scramble around, "WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG!"
"THREE!" they all screech.
I fly up and land into the water, hard!
As I come back up they're all laughing at me.
"HEY!" I rub my eyes, "I wasn't ready.. and I got water in my eyes!"
"Now we're even!" Elise laughs.
"We weren't ready either!" Abigail splashes me.
And it turns into a free-for-all water fight. Everyone was laughing insanely and jumping on people's backs and throwing water floaties.

Natalie's POV:
This was so much fun I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard! I threw a donut floatie at Alyssa and she tossed it to Gracie and then Rebecca jumped on top of Gracie's back.. so I jumped on Elise's.
"CHICKEN FIGHT!" Abi screamed.
"GRACIE, ARE YOU READY?" Alyssa yelled.
"YOU BETCHA!" she answered.
"We got this! Rebecca notifies Gracie.
"ELISE, ARE YOU READY?" Abigail yells.
"READY AS I'LL EVER BE," Elise pretends to crack her neck.
"Don't fall! We can't lose," I pat Elise's head.
"Ow!" Elise rubs her eyes, "you splashed water on my eyes!"
"Sorry," I said, "better get use to it!"
"ON YOUR SHOULDERS, GET BALANCED.." Alyssa jumps out of the middle and shouts, "GOOOOO!!"
It was chaos!

Abigail's POV:
Alyssa came over to me and we watched as they struggled to survive.
"Have you seen Shayla?" Alyssa asks me.
"No, have you seen Marelyn?" I look around.
"Nope." Alyssa pauses, "have you noticed how weird they act around each other?"
I knew about Marelyn's feelings for Shayla, but I didn't know if she would want me to tell anyone, even our closest friends. So I just stood silent for a second because I didn't know what to say.
SPLASH and that's when Rebecca falls with Gracie.
"WOOOO HOOO! WE WIN!" Natalie brags, "HIGH FIVE ELLLII !!"
"Yessss!" Elise high fives.
"AND THE WINNER IS...." Alyssa swims towards them, "NATELISE!"
"Hey I like that name," Elise says.
"We totally could've won if it wasn't for that last push!" Rebecca frowns.

Shayla's POV:
I felt weird, I wanted to get away for a while to think so I left the pool while everyone was throwing things and splashing each other. Firstly, I told Abigail's Auntie if they asked where I was, to tell them I went in the shower.. which I did, but I didn't return. I re-applied my make-up and put on loose pj pants, and a tight black tank-top with the words Kiss Me Under The Light Of A Thousand Stars in silver. It's from a song. I went into my room that I shared with Marelyn, grabbed my black toms, and looked around the upstairs of her aunties house.

There was a ladder leading up to the other side of her roof, I climbed the ladder and it took me to a slanted-rooftop. I sat there and looked at the stars that literally lit up earth. I turned to see the ocean and listened to the waves crash against the shore, I looked the other way and saw a condo with coloured-lights flashing everywhere, it was Brianne partying. I liked the ocean view better. That's when Marelyn popped up in my thoughts.

I thought of how peaceful she is, like the ocean at night. When I look at her, I see no one else. When we are close, I think of how I feel nothing else but being complete. I lay down and my eyes trail the stars, they're so mysterious, and gorgeous.. kind of like Marelyn's eyes. I think... I think I'm falling for her. I like her.
I'm inlove with Marelyn.

Ooooohhhh!!!! Shayla realized her feelings for Marelyn! What's up with Brianne? This isn't the end. I'm continuing this in the next Chapter.. stay tuned.

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